Chapter 3

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Just as his fingers touched the surface of the pond, long black arms grabbed him pulling him into the pond. He was dragged down, down, down into the depths. Nate looked down, there in the inky black two red eyes and a gaping maw awited him. He tried to swim away but it was too hard. Trying to swim in the water was like trying to swim in molasses. Just as he was about to give up, a glowing white arm plunged into the water. It has a conforting aura, memories of his freinds, family, sunny days and warm nights flashed through Nate's mind. He reached toward the arm grabbing hold of it. And he was pulled upward and out of the water. He looked up at his rescuer. The rescuer was dressed in monk-like robes and had messy grey hair.

" did you get any water in your mouth?" The stranger asked

"No." Nate coughed

"You must be scared after what happened." The stranger said. Nate nodded

"You must meet me tomarrow by the old library." He said "i'l explain it there."

Nate nodded and ran back to his freinds

"Where were you!" Catherine asked

"Yeah, you were gone awhile!" Levi exclamed

"I got lost and that man helped me...find my way." Nate said

"Ok, well let's just get going back home." Levi said as they started back home.

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