The End of All Things

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"You going to be here soon, Den?" the annoyed older boy asks into the phone.

"Yeah, give me, like, three minutes."

"You're thirty minutes late already," the Norwegian adds.

"I know, Lukas, I know. Don't worry, I'm turning onto our street right now."

"I don't even see what's so important, that you had to be late on our sixth anniversary."

"I-" The sound of a car horn cuts off the Dane.

"Den? Den, what was that?!""Nothing, Norge. Some drunk bastard was going into the other lane."

"You sure it wasn't you?"

"Haha, very funny," Lukas can almost feel Matthias roll his eyes. "It's a good thing that I love you, Luk-"

This time, he's cut off by loud screeching. The sound of metal on metal fills Lukas' ears, causing him to wince. He hears a scream, and another crash. And then, all is silent.

"Den?" Norway questions, his voice wavering. "Matthias?"

There's no response.

Lukas goes for the door, shoving his phone in his pocket. He just barely gets his boots on as he exits, leaving the door wide open. Sprinting, the Norwegian makes his way down the street to where the three-way intersection is.

His already short breath leaves him as he look at the scene before him.

A white pickup truck's front is smashed in. In front of it, a sleek black sedan's trunk is shattered. The front right of the dark vehicle is crushed into a large tree.

Falling over the snow, Lukas runs as fast as he can. A man stumbles out of the pickup, holding his head. But no one exits the sedan. The Norwegian peers into the black car, eyes widening. Using all his might, he pulls at the door, his adrenaline rush helping him to nearly pull the door off its hinges.

"Matthias! Matti, wake up!" He yells, unstrapping the seatbelt. "Matthias!" He falls on his knees, pulling his unresponsive boyfriend onto his lap. Lukas hugs the Dane to him, trying to wake him up.

He hears footsteps behind him, and a gasp. His head turns, finding Tino and Berwald behind them.

The Swede, seeing his distraught Finnish fiancé, asks the shorter to call 113. He then walks over, inspecting the Danish man. Lukas doesn't loosen his grip on his boyfriend, only silently pleads for him to open his eyes.


A year later, Lukas trudges up the sterile, white stairs, a cup of coffee in his hands. He enters the room without even looking up, knowing the sight that will greet him. His boyfriend, still lying in that bed, still unresponsive, still comatose. His face will be slightly stubbled, as the nurse shaves it every other day. His hair lies flat, not obnoxiously gravity defying like it should be. And his eyes will still be shut, the shimmering blue hue lost.

The End of All Things - DenNor One ShotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora