1: (trying to) sliding into Dylan's DMs

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*casually slides on a non slippery floor with non slippery shoes*

*then winks unsubtley*

*and accidentally falls*

*slips and breaks every bone*

*and says thanks dad!*

*prays to be as smooth as killian jones*

*also prays that no bitch will kiss Dylan ever again apart from you*

*and Malia cos stalia is cute tbh even tho dyl is for us malia can have stiles even tho u don't know who malia is*

*after the Dylan sleeps eat him because you're a jealous af girlfriend*

*TRIES to slide into Dylan's DM but fails not because the floor is non-slippery but because HE DOESN'T HAVE FUCKING INSTA*

*cries and eats ice cream until you have cancer so that Dylan will come meet you at a charity*



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Sliding into Dylan's DM'sWhere stories live. Discover now