You're an idiot.

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8 AM.
A soft groan escaped Alex's lips as he turned over, pulling the blanket over his head to block out the sunlight.
Jack stood beside his bed, smiling at the boy for being so gosh darn cute.
Alex sighed, sitting up and reaching over to his desk, grabbing his glasses first, then reaching into the drawer and getting the meds.
After a moment, Alex sat up against the headboard of the bed, scrolling through his phone.
'He wasn't wearing glasses yesterday..?' Jack thought to himself.
After a few minutes of that, Alex decided to get up, walking into the bathroom and brushing his teeth, not really bothering to do his hair, then walking back out. Jack followed him as he walked down the stairs, going into the kitchen and making tea for himself.
"Oh, God I'm sick of sleeping alone.." Alex sang to himself.
'Weird.' Jack thought. 'I've never heard that before.'

—1 Hour Later—

"Ow, ow, fuck!" Alex groaned, poking his eye for the now third time as he attempted to put his contacts on.
Jack just sat on the counter watching, seeing his every little move-it was interesting to him.
As a human, you can't exactly stare at someone like this without being questioned.
But as a spirit, you definitely can. Without question. Its pretty nice, actually.
"HA! Fuck yes." Alex smirked, having finally got his contacts on. Jack rolled his eyes, watching the man as he styled his hair. Jack bit his lip, taking in his features. He really wished he was alive now. If he was, holy shit. There would be so much more than just cuddling going on between the two.

"I'm gonna get all the ladies tonight. That's for damn sure." Alex spoke to himself, causing Jack to let out a sigh. 'If you saw me, you'd turn gay in an instant.' he thought.
"Or, maybe, a guy. I haven't bottomed out in forever, damn." Alex continued. Jack's eyes widened, 'he's bi?!?!'
"Probably not though. I come off as really straight. Oh well. I don't mind fucking a pussy anyway." Alex smirked.
Jack nearly choked when he heard that. Not that Alex heard, anyway.
Soon, Alex was strutting out of the bathroom and downstairs, going to the kitchen once more and making food for himself.

Jack followed, of course, watching as the idiot himself struggled to turn on the fucking toaster.
"Fuck it. I'll just have leftover pizza." Alex groaned, going to the fridge and grabbing a slice of pizza, putting it on a plate and eating it cold.
Jack grimaced, 'Why the fuck didn't you heat up the pizza?!' He thought.

Once Alex finished, he headed out, popping a mint into his mouth and driving to a pub. It was early, yes, but he didn't exactly plan on getting drunk. He knew when to go to these types of places to score the good girls. When night time rolls around, it's when the sluts come in. The drunk, not so pretty looking sluts. He wanted a pretty girl. Someone who caught his eye. Not someone who made him want to throw up his lunch.

Jack was reading his mind, of course, and was disgusted by his thoughts.
'All girls are pretty, in my opinion. And I'm gay! It's really rude of you to be thinking that.' He must've said aloud, seeing Alexs eyes widen.
"Who's there?" He questioned.

Jack didn't respond.

"If you're a ghost haunting me, now is not the time. Thank you very much." He added.

Jack rolled his eyes, 'I'm not a ghost. Idiot.' He thought.

(A/N I'm so bad at updating but !!!! Hi! Hope you liked this really bad chapter!!)

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