Shot Through the Heart

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The attack was a surprise. No one saw it coming in the still of the night. They were surrounded in the depths of the Enchanted Forest; their camp no longer a safe haven, but now a war zone. Charming wielded his sword like a true knight. Snow fired arrows with ease, as if she was still a bandit on the run in the woods. Granny was most impressive with the skill of her cross bow, never seeming to lose her touch even in her old age. Dwarves fought with pickaxes, their names engraved on the side with pride as they battled alongside their friends, while the Merry Men grabbed anything they could find to use as a weapon. Most used bows, others swords or daggers. Friar Tuck used a long staff to knock out his opponents, which was most fascinating to watch.

Regina stood amongst the crowd, some former enemies that were now her friends and others new allies they met along the road, her hands wielding fireballs ready to be tossed at the nearest attacker. By her side was the rugged thief, Robin Hood, with a new arrow placed into his bow as quickly as the last one pierced the winged monsters whipping about overhead. His skills in combat were wondrous to behold, but she could never admit that aloud, especially not to him.

A flying monkey came swooping down toward them and the sorceress seemed to be a bit quicker than the archer. A ball of fire flew out into the sky, blasting the creature into a tree where Robin pierced it in place with an arrow. He chuckled as he nocked another arrow into place, "It seems we make a great pair, Your Majesty."

"One battle proves nothing, thief," she scoffed, turning to char another monkey as she felt the wind pick up from it's strong wings guiding it in their direction.

She expected to hear a clever quip from the outlaw, but was surprised when there was no response. As quickly as she turned, a flying monkey had grabbed hold of him by the shoulders to steal him away. He dropped his weapon as he was carried off into the sky, shouting in pain and terror while clawing at the large, monstrous nails digging into his flesh. Without a second thought, Regina transported herself in a cloud of purple smoke to stand on the tallest branch of a nearby tree. She formed a fireball and threw it into the ugly face of the attacker. The monkey dropped Robin and she quickly transported herself to the ground, using her magic to catch him in midair. She lowered him slowly to rest against the nearest tree stump beside his weapon. She ran to his side, kneeling down as he cried out in agony.

"Hold still," she commanded in a frustrated tone, unable to get a clear look at his wound to heal it before he bled out in the forest.

"Regina!" He shouted. His eyes widened in terror as another creature came flying in their direction, seeking to kidnap the Queen.

She wasn't used to such informalities between them, but heeded his warning nonetheless. She lifted the bow into her hands, nocking an arrow into place and letting it fly. It pierced the monkey between the eyes and she watched it fall to the ground, pleased with her ability which was revealed when a smirk appeared across her otherwise fierce expression. She never used a weapon after learning dark magic from Rumplestiltskin, but she remembered stealing away to the forest during her marriage to King Leopold and teaching herself a thing or two about archery to pass the time. She was glad to see her lessons paid off.

Regina turned back to the outlaw and noticed the way he was staring at her. It wasn't his usual smug grin that often irritated her. His blue eyes were gleaming with something altogether different. No one had ever looked at her that way. She felt uncomfortable for a brief moment, realizing it was a look of desire and that she was the thing he desired. Her wit lacked it's typical quickness as she stared back at him with a similar expression; one of longing and attraction.

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