The Reunion

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What do you see in me?

Hopefully the same thing you see in me: a second chance.

The cool, midday breeze of the city air in Autumn was like a slap across the face as she stepped out of the passenger side of the infamous yellow bug. She took in her surroundings with curious eyes, for she'd never been to New York City before. She'd heard Henry rave about the pizza he'd enjoyed so much with Neal when he'd accompanied Emma and Rumplestiltskin on their "mission" just last year. He mentioned the tall buildings and the thrill of the busy, city atmosphere from the "missing year" where he'd lived with his other mother under false memories.

To a child growing up in a small town such as Storybrooke, she could understand his excitement over the unfamiliar surroundings. Under different circumstances, she may have ventured into popular museums or tasted the various foods of the city herself for an adventure of her own. However, this was not meant to be a pleasant trip. The reality of the situation sank in again when the familiar blonde stood in her peripherals, the reflection of the sun against her red leather jacket catching Regina's attention.

"You alright?" Emma asked stepping beside the brunette to the edge of the concrete sidewalk.

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Regina stated dryly, not wanting to discuss the details of her mental state when there were more important things to be done, like bring her family home safely.

My family, she repeated the phrase over and over, allowing the words to sink in. It was true, she considered Robin and Roland her family; arguably on the same level as Henry when it came down to it. It hadn't been long since they'd met and she knew they'd gotten off on the wrong foot, but even in the Enchanted Forest there was something about that thief and his boy, their matching dimples charming their way into her heart even then (she always denied it, of course).

Just don't get in my way.

Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.

She tilted her head, signaling for Emma to take the lead. The blonde and this Lily person walked ahead of her, not speaking, but often exchanging awkward glances while Regina followed closely behind. Although her cheeks felt cold, and she was sure they were starting to become pink from the crisp air, heat was rising within her, a light sweat forming on her sternum. She wasn't sure if it was caused by the hot steam polluting the air as large buses passed in the street carrying commuters and tourists to their desired destinations or the anticipation of facing Robin again.

Of course, Regina was excited to see him. The thought of his icy blue eyes like daggers as they pierced into her chocolate brown irises made her heart flutter. But the feeling was diminished as she thought about those same captivating eyes glossed with tears of heartbreak and betrayal as she revealed the truth to him; Marian was dead and the woman he'd been with, allowing his son to bond with, was really the Wicked Witch.

Milady, I'm sorry. I let you down. Your heart was lost to Zelena on my watch, but I promise you, I will get it back.

She was distracted from her thoughts as a yellow taxi cab zipped by, rather close to the sidewalk, honking at jaywalkers rushing through the streets. It startled her, to say the least, but she regained her composure and continued on her way, slipping back into the depths of her mind.

I have tried to live by that code every day of my life.

Then why are you here?

Because today is not one of those days.

Regina imagined what his reaction might be when he saw her. She hoped it would be joy and relief, an overwhelming exchange of love for one another. The thought of it caused the corner of her lips to curl up slightly.

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