The Royal Ball

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"May I have this dance, milady?" He asked, holding his hand out as he gazed into her dark brown eyes.

It was the first Royal Ball that Regina had ever attended where someone actually wanted to dance with her. She was a Queen and it was true she'd been present at countless formals held by the King, but never, not even once, had he been interested in accompanying her to the dance floor. For years she watched as Snow grew, each time spinning about and dancing on her father's toes. She might have been envious of the child if she loved the King even remotely while he was alive, but instead it reminded her that Daniel was gone and she would never be given the chance to dance with the man she loved.

Until now. Now, the rugged thief who stole her heart was asking her to dance, his blue eyes piercing through hers with the utmost respect and undying affection that he clearly felt for her. She took his hand with a smile and allowed him to escort her to the dance floor. She was nervous, that much was obvious. A quick dance lesson from Charming only moments ago was certainly not enough to suppress her anxiety that this was the first time she'd ever danced in the public eye. But there was something about the way Robin looked at her that made her feel comfortable.

She was surprised with his abilities as he led her in the dance, holding her close to him when he could and spinning her away when the music called for it. She focused on her feet at first, looking up sheepishly to allow Robin to see her vulnerability. When their bodies were close he whispered, "You're a natural."

Her cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink as she grinned like a teenager falling in love for the first time. She couldn't help it; at times, that was exactly the way he made her feel. He leaned in and placed a tender kiss to her lips, causing her to relax immediately in his embrace. When they felt prying eyes on them, they parted and peered at the curious onlookers. She bit down on her lip as Robin laughed; oh how she enjoyed the way the sound of it rang through her ears. Their eyes met and in that moment, they felt something familiar; the tenderness faded as their desire for one another ignited between their bodies.

Robin took a deep breath as he suggested, "Perhaps you'd care to continue this someplace quieter and more-- private?"

She nodded, "I'd like nothing more."

Within an instant, Regina transported them in a cloud of purple smoke to Merlin's Tower. She couldn't risk taking them to their room where Roland was fast asleep and although the Round Table came to mind, it was too big a risk for them to be caught. The Tower was the one place she was certain no one would be visiting that evening and the perfect spot for them to be alone together. And truth be told, they really needed to be alone.

It had been far too long since the last time they'd been intimate, but not a day went by that Regina didn't reflect on their time together in her vault. Storybrooke was infamous for dramatic tension and with Emma becoming the Dark One since Robin's return, there were a lot more important things that needed to be dealt with that preoccupied their minds. Not to mention Zelena was a huge obstacle they constantly had to face. But not tonight. Tonight was about Robin and Regina rekindling their flame of passion.

The room was quiet save for the sound of their breathing as they stood nose to nose. He put his hands on her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck, their foreheads pressed gently against one another. They both smiled and closed their eyes, reveling in the quiet, blissful moment that was all too rare to come by.

"I've missed you, my love," he whispered, his breath kissing her cheeks.

She sighed, "I'd say that I can't remember the last time we were alone together, but the truth is-- it was all I could think about after you left."

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