Chapter 6

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The next day was monday. Yeah, they have those here too.

I thought I was going to have the day off, since I barely arrived yesterday, but my dad always finds the pefect way to screw up my life a little bit more.

"KENDALL! WAKE UP FOR SCHOOL!" He sreamed as he barged into my room, throwing some clothes at me. "Put that on while you're at it too." And left down stairs. I sat up, mouth wide open. I stormed down the stairs with the clothes he threw at me. "What is this?!" I rose my voice.

"Your uniform." My dad said cheerfuly, while making himself a sandwich or something. "Well, what makes you think I'll go to school?" I said, a little taken aback at his peppy attitude. "Because if you don't, I'll make your life impossible." He turned to me with a smile and he kissed me on the cheek before leaving for work. "Ugggggg!!!!" I sighed and hated him. I hated him because i knew i would do what he said.


I took a bus to the school my dad had left in a note in the kitchen. I went to the main office and registered myself into the school. As I waited for the receptionist to print out my schedule , but some loser bumped into me. "Hey! Watch it you b-" But then I saw who it was

. "You were saying, love?" I bit my lip to keep myself from grinning like and idiot, but rolled my eyes and pushed him a bit.

"Are you following me?" I turned to take my schedule from the secretary and I left the main office with Chris. He laughed, "I was going to ask you the same question, since I'VE been attending this school for almost three years already." I chuckled. "Uhg, im not following you! My dad enrolled me into this school without my concern. Honestly, I wouldnt even be up out of bed yet if it were up to me."

"Sure." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and said, "Whatever Christi, now tell me your schedule ." "Hmm, I think I want to know yours first, newbie." I rolled my eyes, but read my schedule off. "History with Holly, Math with Purser, English with Zaller, First Lunch, Gym with Morgan, Spanish with Amadeo, and science with Mason . How 'bout you?" Did he look excited?

I shook it off. "Um...every class you have, except spanish. Tried learning spanish, didn't work out." He shrugged. I pretended to cough and said "loser". I laughed and he pushed me away. "So are you going to escort me to first period or not?" I pouted. "Only if you hold my hand the whole way there." He smirked. "Ewww, with you? No thanks." I winked. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I'll take you anyways."

He started walking ahead of me, leading the way, but I ran up to his side and tangled my fingers with his. I felt sparks as my skin brushed and finally colided with his.

I felt the love I was never given. The love that I don't deserve.

But he doesn't love me. Why would he?

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