Chapter 5

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After spending the whole day with Chris, he offered to take me home. After getting off the bus, he wanted to walk me to my door. "Wow.." He whispered. "What?" I whispered back.

He pointed up at the stars. "They haden't shined like that before."

I snorted. "Before what?"

"Before you came."

My heart melted, but I couldn't, wouldn't let him know how much I liked him. What if he didn't like me back? What if I fell really hard for him and he didn't feel the same.

It would kill me.

Instead, I came out laughing. "Um, Chris, I haven't been here for 24 hours! Stop trying to butter me up." He chuckled a bit but didn't say anything the rest of the way home. When we got to my front door he said, "I guess this is farwell princess."

"Unless you come and stalk me." We laughed softly, not wanting to wake anyone. "What time is it?" I asked him. He looked at his nerdy watch. "11:50pm with 52 seconds." "God, now I understand why you've never had a girlfriend." I winked at him and as I closed the door he said, "Goodnight princess."

I went up the stairs, and looked for the room with my suitcase in it and changed into my pjs. I look back at today and smiled. "Chris." I whispered, feeling his name on my lips.

I looked outside my small window at the stars, and somehow I knew he was looking up at them too.

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