chapter 5

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I stretched as far I could, standing on the tips of my toes, reaching as I hung up the little lights.

I took a step back to admire my job well done, as I rested my hands upon my hips.

My apartment was filled with cheap decorations.

I walked through to the kitchen area, and started sorting the mini marshmallows, pink to one side, white to the other.

Because my stubborn boyfriend would only eat pink marshmallows. 'Must be childhood issues' I thought to myself as I started to giggle

I was brought out of thought by the sound of a bang against the door.

I walked towards it and pulled it open.
"Catherine!" I exclaimed as she pulled me into a big hug. "Happy Thanksgiving!" She held out a bottle of wine with a big red ribbon tied around the long thin part of the glass.

"We said no presents, ahhh" I shot her a look saying that she now made me look bad because I hadn't gotten her anything

"It's not a present" she continued, "it's a long time no see sort of thing" .

She handed me the bottle as she walked through the door, pulling her newest recruit with her. Logan and I were use to her constant chain of men by now.

I greeted the man and thanked Catherine for the wine. I had just put it on the table when a knock came from the door.

I rushed over to see Logan standing in short pajama boxers, with his grey jacket over the top half of his body.

"LOGAN!" I jumped into his arms, as he gave me a big hug. We stood there for a while, until Catherine interrupted us, "I wish you had that enthusiasm when you saw me" , she rolled her eyes

We laughed and started our way into my apartment. He closed the door behind us and took my hand in his. "Happy Thanksgiving" he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek...

Catherine had been going on about how she met 'Martin' in the club, but 'there was something different about him' she explain to us.

Logan couldn't help but sigh as she had said that about every guy she brought back with her

I stood up and looked at Logan, "wanna help me with the hot chocolate?"

"Sure", he rushed to his feet and followed me to the kitchen.

I turned the kettle on, as I got four coffee cups ready. I filled each one with a bit of coco powder and sugar. Then added some milk.

We stood there waiting for it to finish boiling, As I got a bit angry at the plug that kept turning itself off. I pressed it hard into the wall, but it just made this weird clicking noise, and then stopped working again.

I got really mad. so I took the half full milk bottle and slammed it into the plug, finally causing it to start working.

"You know, you're really cute when you're mad" Logan said from behind me.

As I turned around to confront him, I felt him press me again the wall. Holding both my hands above my head.

We stood like that for a while, just looking into one another's eyes. I wanted to say something back, but I had no words.

He finally came closer, pressing his lips against mine. His lips were like nothing I have ever felt before. Such pleasure, such lust, I wanted him, I wanted more than just his lips, I wanted to show him how much he meant to me.

I closed my eyes to feel the way his tongue fought around in my mouth, chasing my own tongue in circles

The world outside was totally blocked out, all I could feel was him, his warmth coming from his body pressed against me, his strength coming from his hands holding my own to the wall, his taste coming from his dominating tongue.

I screamed! The lights had powered off as a loud explosion came from the wall plug, sending sparks of yellow across the room. There was smoke everywhere, and the plug was now burned all around the sides.

I sighed in relief as there was no fire or injury. "What a way to end a kiss" Logan said. I laughed as he started laughing too, more a laugh of relief that we were all still alive, and that it was just the wall plug.

We heard Catherine shout as she fell over her date, "don't just sit in the way!" She yelled at him.

Logan laughed once again. Pressing his lips back to mine.

The smoke started to limit our supply of oxygen, so we had to separate our lips.

About an hour later the lights were back on thanks to Logan's smart mechanic brain, he not only got the lights back on, but also managed to change the plug on the kettle, so that we could heat up some water once again.

This time we were successful as we all sipped on our hot chocolate, the lights were off again, but only because we put them off, only the TV was on as we all sat watching some horror movie.

I didn't really like horrors in particular, but this gave me a reason to hold onto Logan when things got 'scary'

I crawled deeper under his arm, snuggling as close I could to him, he was so warm.....

I shot up as I heard an alarming sound in my ears, it was deafening. It made me want to claw my ears out and throw them at whatever was making it.

I opened my eyes to see people running all over the room, screaming at one another. I was confused for a second, until I realised that I was still in the hospital. Logan!

I shot up off the chair where I had fallen asleep on. And ran towards him, but was stopped by a rather large doctor.

"Sorry sir, but you have to come with me, the doctors will do all they can", he grabbed me by my arm, quickly pulling me out the room.

I cried and pleaded to go back, I needed to see that he was okay, I needed to see him

The man pulled me further away as people stared, not sure on what was happening.

"Logan!" I screamed across the hospital.




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