Meeting the Morelas

Começar do início

"And my name is Nickolas... but people tend to call me Nick. Oh and by the way, if you ever get bored with Theo... call me." Nickolas said, winking at me.

I blushed a little and chuckled.

"Get lost Nick," Theo said.

"Right enough with my embarassing family, let me show you around."

Theo held my hand again and started leading me upstairs.

"Theo! I left protection on your bed!" Nick yelled.

Theo suddenly grew furious and threw a slipper at Nick's head. For a minute, I swore I saw Theo's eyes turn red.

"Sorry bro..." Nick apologised whilst clutching on to his eye. Poor him.

My heart started to race again. I didn't like the angry Theo.

Theo opened an oak door and revealed a big, open room with a a computer sitting on a white desk, a chair, a full bookcase, a cd rack with stacks of CDs and a bed. Thankfully, there was no... protection on the bed. I couldn't imagine having sex with Theo. Ew. Awkward. We're not even that kind of level in our relationship.

"I'm sorry about that. I just get so annoyed and.. I .. it doesn't matter. Um yeah. Here's my room." Theo said, turning around to see the petrified look on my face.

"It's okay. Wow. This? Your room?! I proclaimed.

I started to investigate the cleanliness and how organised his room was. Everything was white, airy and fresh. I even looked under his bed hoping to find an old sock... but I didn't. Impossible.

"What the heck are you doing Kasey?!" Theo chuckled.

"You're cleaner than I thought... I mean I'd expect you to be a bit messy with your room because you're a guy..."

"How sexist!"

"Oh no I didn't mean it like that I meant.. like you kn-"

"-Sssshhh..." Theo interrupted, pressing a finger gently on my lips.

He was ever so close at this moment. His grey sweater brushed against my brown cardigan. For a moment we just looked into eachothers eyes. His eyes were familiar but I was too lost in them to even think about it. It was like I was hypnotised when I wasn't. I could think with my own thoughts.

He then broke the silence by leading me to the rest to his house. He showed me the other bedrooms and the three bathrooms. They were absolutely magnificant. Everything was organised and neat. The ornaments which stood with fame on the mantlepiece were antique and I felt as if everything flowed around me. He showed me the luxury spa area he had where there was a Jacuzzi, a hot tub and even massaging jets! He offered me the opportunity to come one day with my swimsuit to enjoy a relaxed session in the hottub. I wasn't sure if he was implying with him or not... but I would've said yes anyway. Then he led me to what I thought was the best place of his entire house - the garden.

I took several minutes for the beautiful sights to digest into my brain. A Japanese water feature spurted out water into a pool with iridescent goldfish swimming in it. Lillies, jasmine, roses and other pulchritudinous flowers and plants were growing in a rather sophisticated way. The whole garden was simply enchanting.

"I can see you're in love with my garden..." Theo smiled.

"Of course... I'm speechless."

"Hahah... you know Kasey, you are very welcome to come here anytime you want. My family likes you and so do I."


"My pleasure... so tell me about your family."

My face immediately dropped.

TrappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora