The Call

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As soon as I got home I practically hurled my rucksack in the far corner of my room and jumped on my bed. My bed had a similar silk pattern to my desk at school - I guess I love the vintage style on furniture!

I just lay there looking through my roof window at the cloudy blue sky. I was pretty sure I had some sort of 'interested' feeling for him. That was so unexpected as I'm the girl who doesn't believe in love yet I'm practically falling for a guy I've met for a day. What the hell was I thinking?

Feeling ashamed of my stupidity, I decided to get my bag to complete an utter tedious piece of Geography. As I opened my pencil case I came across a miniature scroll of paper. It read:

07846595544 - I'll call you (then it had a picture of a heart)

"Who the... Theo... No way! He's so not interested in me. Boys don't EVER look at me twice!" I thought.

I put the paper away and took out my lucky pen to write. However, thoughts just kept on entering my head. I couldn't concentrate on my homework right now: I just had to sort out things with Bethany. And like they say, good homework isn't good when you don't have your mind fully set on it.

I powered up my MacBook and anxiously waited for it to load up. Once it did, I signed on to MSN Messenger and began to search for Bethany's name.

It took me a few seconds to put myself together before actually talking to her. I was petrified after what she said. I can't believe I had feelings for the guy she liked first. Maybe all I cared about was boys after all. Nevertheless as I was about to double click on her name, a window popped up. It was Bethany.

"Oh my gosh! Kasey I am so so so so so so so sorry about earlier! You're my best friend and no boy can ever replace that! I was foolish, selfish and a complete toad! You can have him! Can you please forgive me? :)" she sent to me.

I replied back with a sigh of relief. At least she didn't cyber bully me on top of everything that had happened.

"It's okay. Chill dudette. I should have thought about your feelings. I'm sorry too... and you are NOT selfish or foolish or a toad so do not EVER think that, okay?!" I replied.

"Okay sis, let's just drop the subject yeah? So anything new? "

"Yeah okay :) ... Mmmmnn not really."

"How's the parents?"

"Don't even ask."

I hated my parents. I hated everything about them and quite frankly I'd actually rather be dead than see their faces every day. It pains me inside knowing that they're related to me. They shout at me. They never care about how I feel. They start screaming when I wear something one centimetre above my knee saying I'm a tart. My mother even regrets having me. One thing is for sure. Three more years and I'm outta here baby.

"Hmmm well let's change the subject. I think Theo is absolutely drop dead gorgeous don't you?!" Bethany continued.

"Can we just drop that too?"

"Why? What has he done?"

"Nothing. I just can't be asked with boys right now."

Bethany and I continued discussing topics for a couple of hours or so ranging from hair looks to cars. I want a Lamborghini when I'm older so I can zoom off away in the sunset to my heart's content! Plus I can escape from my troublesome life and I can jam in my car whilst staring into the night sky to find dazzling stars.

However Bethany just couldn't let Theo go in the end...

"Do you think he'd like me?" she asked.

TrappedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora