I positioned myself and then let the music take me away, my steps on point, perfection...passion.

Zayn's P.o.v

After taking Perrie out and having dinner with her, I made my way back to the flat. Walking inside I could hear the music coming from the studio and sighed because I knew for a fact that Louis was in there. Even though it was two in the morning, Louis would stay in there for hours just dancing. Then he would pass out on that damn window seat. I dropped my bag by the couch then I made my way to the studio.

Pushing the door open, I was met with some classical playing from Louis' I-Pod and said boy bundled up on the window seat. Shaking my head I walked over and picked him. It always amazes me at how light Louis was to pick up. I made my way to his room and set him down on the bed, making sure to take his shoes off and placing them on the floor. Making sure that he looked comfortable I went back to the studio to get his clothes, because knowing him he probably just through his clothes in the corner somewhere.

And lo and behold there his clothes was, stuffed in the corner. Rolling my eyes I picked them up, but stopped when I saw a piece of paper fall to the ground. Picking it up I looked at it, and smiled. It had Harry's named scrawled on it and his number under it.

I was definitely going to have fun with this in the morning.

Louis P.o.v

In the morning I found myself in my room and I smiled a bit. Bless Zayn he was such a sweetheart sometimes, I can't count the many times he's carried me to my room. Stretching a bit I yawned before sitting up, wiping sleepily at my eyes. I got out bed and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After I was done I put a simple blue tee shirt and some skinny's on; walked into my closet to grab my gray beanie...to lazy to fix my hair. I walked back to my room and picked my shoes up and made my way out the room and to the studio. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes in there, and everything else I need ed for today. Sigh, I really wasn't up to this little 'session' today, I mean I know I haven't met the guy yet but I'm still not keen on someone telling me what to do. I looked around to make sure I wasn't missing anything, spotting my phone I grabbed it before making my way out. I walked into the kitchen to see Zayn eating a bowl of cereal.

"Morning Z." I said as I made myself a bowl. He looked up with a smirk on his face, "Hey Lou." he answered.

I looked at him curiously, "What's with the look?" I questioned. He didn't say anything but that smirk stayed on his face, and it was really annoying me.

"Whaaattt?" I whined crossing my arms over my chest. Zayn swiveled around in his chair, before stopping to face me.

"Harry...huh?" he asked. I gave him a confused look, "What are you talking about?" I asked.

Zayn just laughed before digging in his pocket and slapped the little slip of paper on the table, his smirk never falling from his lips.

My mouth dropped...how the hell did he find that? "What—how...huh?" I asked stupidly. Zayn rolled his eyes.

"You should really stop leaving your dirty clothes in the studio." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"I fell asleep..." I said, "I totally forgot about putting Harry's number in my phone. Pulling it out I quickly typed in his number.

"So asking for numbers on the first date hmmm, did he kiss you when he drop ya off last night?" Zayn asked. My face turned red at the comment, Zayn can be a sweetheart sometimes, but he's also an asshole when he wants to be.

"First of I'm not gay." I stated and Zayn started to laugh, "Pfff Okay." he said. Glaring at him I continued, "And second I've only know the guy for a couple of hours." I said, "And lastly someone as hot as him wouldn't be gay." My eyes widened at what I just said, Zayn gave me a knowing look.

Dance For Me ~Larry Stylinson~Where stories live. Discover now