4 In The Morning

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'Gone? What do you mean gone?'

Riley looked at Adam. 'As in not here.'

'Is he coming back?'

Riley sighed and put down her guitar. She'd tried, but her heart wasn't in it; making music was the last thing on her mind today. She hadn't slept a wink since Jared had left. His accusations had thrown her into a spin. One moment they were getting married and the next he was accusing her of being in love with Billie Joe Armstrong. She hadn't even thought Billie was an issue between them. But all this time he'd been keeping it inside.

'Coffee?' she offered.

Adam nodded and followed her into the kitchen. 'What the hell happened? He wasn't meant to be leaving for another two days.'

'He just needed a time out, I guess.'

'A time out? Jesus, Riley, he's hardly here to begin with,' Adam said leaning up against the counter and folding his arms across his chest.

'He's quitting the band.'


'Yeah...it's been a week of revelations,' she murmured.


'The song writing thing's taking off. He wants to pursue it further, I guess.'

'Does Clem know?'

She nodded. 'He knows.'


She shrugged as she spooned coffee into a mug, opting for chamomile tea for herself. 'He's fine with it. Weird, huh?'

'I'd say. He went out on a limb to bring him into the band in the first place.'

Riley sighed. 'Yeah, well. Shit happens.'

Adam rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. 'Jesus, this is all we need.'

'We'll be fine. The band will be fine.'

'I know that, I just...' He hesitated and she glanced at him.

'You may as well say it. I know you're thinking it.'

'I'm worried about you.'

'No need. It's his life, he can do as he pleases.'

'That isn't what I meant.'

'No. But it's about all I can give you.'

'Are the two of you okay?'

'Depends on your definition of okay.'

'Still together?'

She gave him a weak smile. 'Still together as in getting married?' She shrugged. 'I really don't know, Adam. Things change. People change.' She poured boiling water into a mug and began to stir up the coffee.

'Do you need to talk about it?'

'Nope.' She handed him the mug.

'Okay, but if you - '

'I don't. There's nothing to discuss, to say - nothing.'

He followed her back into the living room. She was acting like she was okay with it all but he could see through her. He knew her too well. She caught the knowing look in his face and sighed.

'I don't want to talk about it,' she reiterated rubbing a hand over her belly.

'Riley, I know you're cut up over this, don't try and tell me any different. We're best friends. Have the two of you been having problems?'

Just A Girl (The Rock Star Series 1) (Green Day)Where stories live. Discover now