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Christmas came and went, until four months had gone by since Riley's seventeenth and still there was no sign of anything happening between her and Billie. In a lot of ways she understood and respected why he hadn't bedded her that first night. But his respect for her didn't make it any easier to cope with. It only made her want him more. It was crazy. She was old enough now. Why couldn't he see that? Their relationship, if it could be called that, was indeed intense and she had never experienced anything like it. Maybe he hadn't either and maybe that was what he was afraid of. Hadn't he said it himself?

That once we start I'll never be able to stop.

Since her birthday her relationship with Jared became stronger. He signed up with the band only days later and quickly gotten involved in the songwriting with her and Adam and even though she would never admit it to either Jared or Clem, the band was stronger and Riley could hardly wait to get out on the road.

But the promotional tour that Clem had been hoping for had to be put on hold for the time being, there were just too many other things to be tied up first, like the impending release of Pinkslip's eagerly awaited debut album 'As Yet, Untitled' which was due in May.

Given the amount of time they spent together and the fact that they liked one another, it had been only natural she'd fall into an intimate relationship with Jared. The fact that she was still crazy about Billie and secretly hoping for a breakthrough there didn't deter her from getting involved with him. After all, she could hardly put her life on hold could she? Billie certainly wasn't. He had been seen around town with a cute-looking brunette by the name of Adrienne and rumor was, they were dating.

It had stung.

But Jared was gorgeous, talented and just what a girl needed to help mend her wounded heart. As much as she hated to admit it, he even managed to make her forget about her feelings for Billie. She had a man in her life that cared about her and no matter what; she was beginning to care about him, too.

Still, Riley had thought her heart could never break over a guy. She was determined to never allow it to happen. But when Billie Joe Armstrong married Adrienne Nesser only months later, it did just that.

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