Thieves Guild - Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

'Two thieves?' Eloise said worriedly. 'There were meant to be three'

'Oh, yeah' Bovem said scratching his chin. 'Well I did here something about a... Faceless demon was it?  Red eyes, steamy breath, the whole shebang, slaughtered three men from twenty feet away and disappeared in the blink of an eye... It was quite the tale. My more reliable sources say she managed to escape across the rooftops before they managed to send any scouts after her.'

'I'll bet' said Brill. 'That sounds like Vita alright. She used to be able to throw her knives three times the distance I could manage. Never did get her to finish teaching me.'

'Yeah, well...' Bovem went on 'She thoroughly pissed off the entirety of the guard, and the icing on the cake is that now there's a bounty on your heads'

'How much?' Brill grunted

'Ten-thousand pieces, each'

Danil whistled in awe; 'Not bad, ten thousand silver'

'Gold' corrected Bovem

'Holy--' exclaimed Danil, almost choking on his shock and breaking down into a fit of coughing. Eloise smacked him on the back and he rasped his breath back.

'Ten thousand gold...' He repeated. 'Looks like the keeper is pretty desperate. We're going to have our work cut out. Bounty hunters will be all over this.'

'Nothing you can't handle I'm sure' Bovem said. He regarded them.

'You know, you guys have some pretty good moves for your age. Don't waste it and get yourselves killed'

'We'll try' Eloise voiced, and they nodded.

'Alright. We're going to leave in groups so we don't have a crowd of fugitives walking out of the owners front door. You guys can go first. Take this'

He pulled out a hefty coin purse and handed it to Danil.

'Thanks' Danil said, as he tucked it in to his cloak. Where are you going?'

'Gonna lay low for a while' Bovem said 'Wait for this to die down a bit. Rest assured you'll have the brawlers guild waiting for you when you need us. If you ever need to contact me, go into any tavern and ask if they have any Ox mead in stock. They'll know what you mean'

'We'll be seeing you' said Danil. They walked to the front door and opened it a crack to check no one was nearby. Then they gathered their cloaks around themselves and ghosted out in to the night.


Each of them knew the stories of how to find the Assassins guild, mostly from the stories of the higher ups of the Thieves when they'd been little. The Assassins were used as a fable to scare young children into behaving. There was even a rhyme;

A smear of blood upon your hand

The message received, a packet of sand

A whisper of shadow, a chill of wind

Then one shall know how you have sinned

Dramatic, thought Danil, but the method was correct. A person seeking to enter 'a contract signed in blood'  with the Assassins would prick their thumb and smear a streak across the back of the left hand, then head out for business as usual. When they got home a message would be sitting at their bedside. An envelope full of crimson sand. This meant they could be sure the Assassins had received their message, and someone would be in contact shortly. 

The three of them knew how it work, but they couldn't contact the assassins. 

'Here's where we stand' Brill explained, as they stood together in a cramped alley next to the main city square. They had slept rough on a flat rooftop for the remainder of the early morning and all of them were groggy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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