"Wait.. before you go" i quickly scribble my number on a napkin and gave it to her. "Thanks.. i will see you soon Mini!" And she left.

Suddenly i got a message.

Hey Mini! Its (Y/N) here. Just wanna text you that this is my number..

I smiled and save her number in my phone.

Haha yeap its Mini here.. anyway, wanna to meet up tomorrow?

I don't know yet Mini.. I'll have to ask my brother first. He is like the big boss in the house. .. i will confirm you by tonight! I got to go. Bye and goodnight Mini!

Alright.. bye and goodnight to you too (Y/N)!

I smile at the text and continue to drink my hot Caramel Macchiato. What an adorable girl i have met today. Really hope that her brother let her meet me. I jumped when my phone just vibrated. I just got a text from Evan.

Ay Craig! Are you going to play games or not?! We are starting soon!

*mentally faceplam myself* Omg i totally forget. Wait for me!!!

Better hurry up or your ass will be roasted by Wildcat! Call us when you are ready!

I chuckled at my stupidness and quickly walk back to my apartment. Luckily, I live nearby from here and I wonder where (Y/N) lives. I shurg it off since i dont want to get my ass roasted by Tyler so i quickly run into my room, setting up all my equipments and skype call the boys.

"YOU ARE FCKING LATE AGAIN MINI!" Tyler shouted, making me jump up my seat while everyone started laughing.

"Sorry man.. Sheesh"

"Where were you?!" Evan asked.

".. uh i was outside, drinking coffee"

"Sure.." i heard Nogla speak up and i blushed, remember about (Y/N).

"Anyway what are we gonna play and who's here?"

"We are playing WAW, what Nogla named it, with Tyler, Nogla, myself and of course you" Evan said while I load up the game.

"Ok lets start the game shall we!"



"Im homeee!!" I shouted while closing the fornt door. All i hear is my brother shouting. Recording, playing games with his friends again.

I shake my head, chuckled and walk to my room. I dont want to disturb him when he is recording since the day when he give me a warning saying that if i ever disturb him recording, he will roast my ass like how he did to his friends.. i dont know what it means and why but it sounded funny to me.

Since its night time, I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and prepare dinner for the both of us.


I jumped when my brother suddenly appeared behind me.

"Oh mah gawd Tyler! Don't scare me like that man. Not cool!" I shouted and he started laughing.

"Yes.. i am" i said and place down our meal on the table.

"Hey Tyler?"


"Erm.. can I go out with a friend tomorrow?"

"Who?" He stopped eating and look at me.

"Someone.. Ill let him meet you one day alright?"

"Him!? Its a he, (Y/N)."

"I know.. but please. He is nice. And looks familiar. Please Tyler.."

"Fine.. just dont do stupid stuff mkay! And bring him here one fine freaking day" he said and continue eating.

"Yay! Thank you!"

I can't wait to hang out with Mini tomorrow and i have to find out why he looks familiar to me.





There you go lovelies!

MiniLadd x reader book.

Hope you all like it so far!

Love you guys so much!

Looking forward to let you all read the rest of it!

Byebye for now! <3 <3



P.s. Craig is mine baby ;) ..b-but for this story, he is all yours :'(


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