Chapter 7

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Since 3 weeks ago I still been having these dreams where I can't move, Talk I can't do nothing it's like it's a deep dream I'm in and it's scary,They say it's a demon choking you in your sleep or something.Its really scary.

I woke up sweating again and panicking,I began to cry I think Someone's out to get us and Jabriel and Cali Keep going through my mind.Like last week they said something weird.

Flash back~

"shekia,you want to go to The carnival"i said

"Yeah sure''i said and Everytime I looked somewhere a white person or light-skinned person was meaning mugging us or Talking about us and trying to be strong about everything though,That's when I noticed we were in the Lightskin and whites Area there wasn't not one Dark-skinned or brown skinned female in this Area.


I started crying and I saw Jabriel and Cali With the Little crew they hang out with in school,They peeked me and Jabriel smirked.He started walking towards us I tapped Kia And told her to run she nodded and we both was running faster than A train,Jabriel and one of his homeboys were running after us,My heart was beating fast I climbed and jumped over a gate, Kia fell climbing up I Helped her Halfway up and she jumped over, I looked back and saw Jabriel and his homeboy, then I realized it was that boy that always stares at me and smiles at me in school, I was running when I tripped I got up but they had already caught me, Shekia was about to come back but I told her to run she did as told.They took me into This Building it was dirty and big, they took me inside and my heart was beating at a speed of 100.10 I am scared they better not do what I think they going do.

They Took me in this room in this building we had to go up a pair of stairs,They tried to hand cuff me to this bed I wasn't going for it I was kicking and punching, Then the boy Whispered something in my ear that made me stop, they Handcuffed my hands and I was just starring at the ceiling, Asking god why I had To be Dark-skinned,I let some tears fall from my eyes.They Started unzipping they pants and came over to me, Next thing I know is They started pounding in and out of me the pain was worse than having cramps,i started kicking, and screaming and crying,The boy That whispered something in my ear put his hand over my mouth.i was moving and kicking They would not get off, next thing I know is I saw Shekia bust in the room, and she Tried her best to push them off me, She looked for something in the room I guess to hit them with, she saw a dirty pan and she hit them both 2 times they fell out.she checked their pocket for a key to unlock the handcuffs with, she got the key out the boy who whispered In my ears backpocket, and she Unlocked the handcuffs, I got up and ran and kissed her on her cheek.

Jabriel and the boy started moving, Me and Kia Started running down the stairs out the door.We stopped running when we was by the bus stop.i zippened my pants up and I Wiped the now tears coming from my eyes and let them fall. Shekia looked at me, and we sat on the bench,She lifted my chin up as tears streamed down my face,Thats when I started to cry out loud.

"Kia"i said Letting tears fall from my face

"Yes baby"she said and wiped my tears, But they were still falling like the rain

"What's that boy's name I told you about"i said looking down

"Aj"she said

"He, He told me if I kept on acting up I would become his black bitch,and he said Because that's what dark-skinned girls are made for"i said and let my tears fall again

"Baby you can't let someone Say what you are, Your a black Auden not a black bitch, You demand respect,If you can't Fight your battle with your fist or your mouth, Win it by 1st doing this press charges"She said a wiped my tears"Show them that your strong you are not weak, Your a Black queen remember that"she said and stood up and I stood up also

"Ok"i said and held my head down and,We started walking home,Swear I hate being Dark-skinned.

I started thinking about what Kia said to me.

Flashback over~

I sat there on my bed replaying the events of Friday, It's all my fault if I never called Shekia, and asked her to go to the fair, We wouldn't see Aj or Jabriel, and what happened to me wouldn't have happened.i began to cry, Damien came In the room and He sat next to me as I poured my eyes out.

"What's wrong D"he said and Sat at the top of the bed, with me and wiped my tears as, he held me in his arms.

"Something happened,But I wouldn't like to talk about it"i said now looking down"i said now not crying

"You sure"he said

"I'm sure D"i said

"OK Sis"he said and kissed my cheek, and I kissed his and, hugged him tight so did he before he got up and left my room.

This can't be real it can't...

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