Chapter 4:Reason

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Niall Horan ♚♚

"A-are you serious?" I asked then seat on the chair.

Then held my head,assuming it'll help.
Is her father freaking serious.

Like,I'm Prince.

Even Though I don't like being one
My Mom,Queen Maura,won't let me court someone.

She will totally freak out and she will tell the knights to get the family of Selena and throw them somewhere.

But,I need to do this.

So I don't need to marry that "Holly".

"I accept!" then I look up to her.

"But...Your Highness!"
"I accept that challenge,if that what it takes."
"But,What if the Queen won't let you?" worried was in her face.
"Don't worry about her,I'll figure it out somehow." then I stood up "Go home now."

Then I walk upstairs headed to my room.

"Goodluck." I heard her whispered.
Well,I really need it right now.

I felt her footstep and I can't feel her presence anymore.

I head to my room and drop my body on my bed.

How can I tell my Mom,Queen Maura. About this courting thing.

Can I even tell her?

I held my head and assuming this thing is all a dream.I close my eyes.

Wake Up,Nigel.This is just a bad nightmare.Everything will be alright soon.

But,when I open my eyes.

I'm still here,lying in my bed.
Staring at my Green Ceiling.


I sit up and stood.

Maybe I need to lie.

The thing that I never did for my whole life.

I head for my door and open it.
And walk around the hall.

Walking back and forth.
Thinking of a good plan.
The one that can convince ,Queen Maura.

"Hey!" someone talked behind me.
"Ahhh!" I shouted because of shock.

"Jeez, You're so Loud!" then I saw Louis.

As Usual,he was eating.

He's basically stealing my personality.

I'm basically the eating monster one.
Jeez,the nerve of this guy.

"Well,If i'm loud,you're greedy" then I pointed at him
Then I saw him pouted.

"You're Bad,Nigel!" then I saw his eyes shining.
"Stop pouting ,you're ugly as fuck." then I rolled my eyes.

"If I was so Ugly,why are girl chasing me?" then crossed his arms.
"Psh, maybe you put a potion of their foods." then rolled my eyes again.

"Let's stop talking about my beautiful face,Harry will fall in love all over again" then finish his foods.
He's so greedy,he didn't even give me some.
And Harry will fall in love with him all over again.


"Let's talk about your problem " he said and lean against the wall after finishing his foods.

"I don't have a problem,mind your own business,Luwee" then walk back and forth again.

"You're a bad potato" then pouted again.

"Hedgehog,Stop pouting or I will pull your lips out" then pointed to his lips.

He immediately pull his lips in and stood straight.
"Okay. Is this good?" then asked "Now,tell me your "problem" and maybe I can help you fix it."
"I said I don't have any problem." I said and rolled my eyes.

The Feeling that someone is asking you and they don't believe you.

Well,Stop asking if you're not accepting the answer.

"Tsk,I'm gonna turn you into fries if your not telling me you problem" .
"If I tell you,you can't even help me" said to him wearing a poker face.

"Come on,try me" then touch his chest as if he was a wall that can be break.
"Fine.I'm thinking of a good reason, to tell Queen Maura" I said still wearing that poker face.

"You grow up so fast,Just how fast the night changes.You're becoming like me" he said and pretend he has a tears falling down his face.

"Tsk,I'm outta here.Told you,can't even help me" then I was about to leave but he pulled my arm.

Ouch! My Hard as a Rock Arm *wink*

"I can." then smile "What kind of reason are you thinking?"

"Um,I'm thinking a reason why I'm gonna kill you" then roll my eyes.

"W-what?I'm gonna help you to think of a reason why'd you kill me?"

If he was not my friend.I probably killed him right in front of everyone.

Except I can't,because he's my friend.
Even if he's crazy af.

"Yeah. and I already thought of it" then evil smile.

"Really? What is it? It must be good." then waited.

"Because Louis William Tomlinson is a stupid guy and I killed him because i'm so irritate of him" then walk out.
But then he catch up.

"Ah,That's not a good reason." then put her finger on his head as if he was brainstorming "How about,you killed me because i'm so sexy that you can't stand it" then pose.
I'm gonna kill him.

Someone stop me.

I just sigh really deep.
Now I got two problems.

First,About that courting thing.

Second,about this freaking guy.
HAZZA. Sorry,I'm gonna kill Louis now..

"Nialler!" louis' shouted and shake me by the arm.

"What? What!?!" I said irritatedly.
"Just tell me the problem and I will help you.Please" then he shown his puppy eyes.

Oh no! Not the Puppy Eyes..Fine.Fine.I give up.

I sigh "I need to make a good reason so I can be out here for a whole month" then rolled my eyes.

"Oh! Where are you going niall? Where? Where?" he said still shaking my arm.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!" I shouted to him. Argh. This guy is reaching my limit.

"Ah! That's Bad!" then he pouted.
"Tsk,Just shut up." I can't take this anymore.

"Wait! I..I have a good reason! Yehey!" he said.

I think i'm gonna make him back to a kindergarten.
He's brain is so childish.

Someone help me!

"Spit it" I said wearing poker face.

Then my face became wet.

"What the...WHY DID YOU DID THAT?" I swept the spit on my face.

He's really taking things literally.
"Because you said so" then he pouted.

I sigh heavily "I meant, tell me your "reason" said to him.
"Oh!" he said realizing what I meant "I was thinking that you should tell your mom,Queen Maura.That you are going to a mountain and live there for 1 month" he said excitedly.
"No! That's a terribly plan.Mom,I mean Queen Maura won't even believe that" then crossed my arm.
"No it's not.Why don't you try it?" he asked and pouted.

He's almost reaching my limit.
I'm gonna pull his lips and cut it,so he'll stop pouting.

It's not cute.

"Fine.Let's try it."

I hope this work.

"Yehey!" then he jump like a kid.

Perfect ||N.H||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz