14 Takes The Cake

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Sheldon:  You can imagine, being an uncle is a daunting task at 13 going on 14.  It's even crazier when you seem to have even MORE nieces and nephews on the other part of your family.  That part is not my mom's part.  It's the part that isn't exactly related, but we're so close to being a family it's scary.  I'm talking about Keith Richards here.  You may know him as the guy who does drugs and stuff, but I see him as an interesting hipster before hipsters kinda guy.  I'm actually extremely close with a boy on that side that we pretty much brought the two families together into one big one.  His name is Hudson and he's the oldest grandson of the Richards Family.  He's super nice and considerate.  He's two years younger than me but that doesn't stop him from being exactly the same as me.

So for Uncle Sheldon, or Shel's birthday (I HATE being called that), it has been hard for me the past couple years to get what I want.  And yes, during all those times, my dad had to sing "You Can't Always Get What You Want" to me to get me to learn the message.  I decided that this year was gonna be different.  I wasn't sure how to make it what I want but what everybody else wants, but I had an idea.

My idea was to work on a cake that would have what I wanted on it, what other people wanted on it, and what everybody there needs.  That was because of the "if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need" part.  I'll tell you exactly what I thought of:

1.  I'd need to find out the majority favorite color for the interior of the Angel's Food cake.  This for the part that was for what everyone wants.  I wrote down color names and made a tick mark for each person who likes that certain color, even if they liked more than one.  The final outcome was blue, so that was the color of my cake.

2.  I'd need to add something that I particularly like for the base color icing.  I wanted a sunset orange base color because I love to watch sunsets, especially with Keith.  I think he would love that, but I didn't tell him.

3.  I'd need to put something on the cake that everyone needs.  I figured that The Beatles were right and All You Need is Love (no, I did NOT tell that to Keith).  I put some of my favorite books on the cover because they are all about love and the healing power of it.  I didn't tell anyone that idea, but I knew my cake was perfect.

Hudson:  What to say about Sheldon... Hmmm...  Well,he's always there for me, about an hour away, and he loves me like no one else.  I miss him, but I think I may see him more often after we fix up The Shake Shop, my parents' small business.  Sheldon taught me about this artist called Youth Lagoon, and  I like one of their songs called Rotten Human.  It reminds me of my grandad.They say, "You want the hours back, every night a twelve pack- stoned, they're all stoned."  I really like that part.  He loves that I love that song.  I have a feeling that he loves to love people just as they are.  I like that about him.

Sheldon:  The first people to arrive were Keith and his family.  He came along with Hudson's family since they live together.  I always end up wearing a hat when he comes over for some reason.  I wore my Normal is Boring hat that I recently bought online.


"Hey kiddo, I like your hat. Is it new?"

"Yeah.  You like it?"

"I like what it says on it.  You're right. Normal IS Boring!"

"Ha.  I like your hat too."

Hudson then came in and we chatted about how school is going and stuff like that.

Keith and I went stargazing that evening.  We put on our coats and sat on chairs on the balcony and we just, talked.

"Are you immortal?" I asked Keith.

"You know, that's a good question.  Maybe."

"What do you mean 'Maybe?'" I asked.

"Am I dead?"


"Not yet, so how do you know I am immortal?"

"Good question. I don't know."

Keith then said, "Maybe the stars would know, but Sheldon, you were in Earth science, are the stars immortal?"


"Everyone dies at some point."

The next day was the party and all the grandkids  and great grandkid (surprise surprise, I'm a gruncle!) came at 5 o'clock. 

The party was full of little kids wishing me a happy birthday and giving me drawings of spaghetti dinner and cheese and other stuff that I could make a collage  out of.  I got a speaker from Uncle Marlon, and another hat from Keith.  Hudson got me new headphones and they work great.  After the presents, all the kids wanted to play a game.  I put on a song by The Wiggles called "Brown Girl in the Ring", and all the kids could not stop dancing.  Dad and Keith loved watching me with all of the little children dance in circles.  Everybody loved my cake though I only told Hudson the real meaning of it all.  Everybody left at 8.  It was the greatest party ever.

Songs for this chapter: Arabella Angelique, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Rotten Human and Brown Girl in the Ring (Wiggles version)

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