Problem 39

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This was sent to me by my real life best friend E-Slappy !!

"I just heard the most sexist thing ever - there were two teenage guys at Water and Ice and one of them was talking about a car accident that happened prior and one of them said, "I didn't get a look at the drivers in the accident but I bet the faulted one is a girl." And the other guys asked why and then the first guy replied, "Because when girls drive, they're texting while doing their makeup while talking while taking pics and probably flirting with guys in different lanes through the window."

HOW SEXIST WAS THAT?!?? So yes, this problem is people assuming things about girls that yes maybe a stupid girl might do, by not all of us!!! And he was assuming it was a girl.... (Which is horribly sexist) And then said why in an even more sexist way. GRRRRRRR!!!!

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