Both Genders Need Equality! (Rant with me)

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I know I've written a lot about Feminism, but that's because it is important to me as it is important to a lot of you who have commented. I love being able to talk about gender equality with you guys, especially because a lot of you are very passionate about it!!

As Emma Watson says, "Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong... It's time that we perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals."

I was just reading through some of your comments on my emails, and a few of you have said stuff about how it's not just women who need equality. As I have said, I am a feminist and being one I am not just fighting for women's rights, I am fighting for gender equality.

I know men don't have it perfect either. They feel as if they have to hide their emotions, and be strong, etc.  As a female, of course women's rights are even more of a personal thing to me and probably most of you. I don't want women to dominate. I just want everyone to be equal.  I want gays and transgenders and bisexuals to be seen as equal. I want all religions to be seen as equal. I want all races to be seen as equal. I just want everyone to be able to have the same, equal rights they deserve. (Some of you may disagree with that, but everyone has different opinions and beliefs and I don't want any fighting. Thank you xoxo)

A few of you have said that women have fine rights as it is (we all have different opinions, this is mine). In the US, yes, we have better rights then most of the world. It's not perfect and there are a lot of things that need to be worked on, but we have it better then most of the world. In some countries, women can't drive or vote or go to school. They sometimes have to isolated if they are on their periods. They are raped a lot. I believe (I might get it slightly wrong) the statistic is that in one third of women in third world countries' first time having sex was without their consent, meaning they were raped. This also happens not quite as often but does happen in the U.S. And this isn't even all the problems. Men also have problems too.

So let's keep fighting for everybody's rights!!

Question: do you guys like, dislike, or feel neutral about my rants? Thanks for listening and hopefully ranting in the comments with me :)

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