Chapter 3 * Thank the TARDIS

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After Dean and Sam had explained their job of 'hunting' Sherlock squinted at them getting mad now because they were saying the truth. Maybe they're just insane and think they're telling the truth. Sherlock kept repeating in his head but the thing that scared him was the Maybe in his thoughts. It was destroying him on the inside.

"Sh-Sherlock? Are you okay?" John asked because Sherlock was still squinting at Dean before he came back.

"Thinking." Sherlock said before looking out the window. The Doctor's face was filled with shame.

"You... KILL the vessels???" The Doctor said obviously annoyed that they even carry guns.

"Well only if you use the demon knife," Sam said pulling it out of his pocket before The Doctor pulled out his sonic and the knife started to heat up until it started to burn Sam's hand.

"Ow! What the hell Doctor?!" Sam said before Clara gave The Doctor another death glare.

"Doctor," Clara warned whilst The Doctor tightened his bowtie and gritted his teeth.

"I hope he never finds the impala's trunk." Dean mumbled in Sam's direction. Apparently Sam still heard him and laughed lightly. "He'll have to kill us." Sam said.

"I've already died Sammy." Sam then just rolled his eyes before sitting in Sherlock's chair.

John just cleared his throat in Sam's direction so he would get up before Sherlock noticed but of course it was too late. Sherlock gave Sam a death glare as a warning and rolled his eyes in his direction.

"Well It's getting late and I believe we have room in the TARDIS." Clara suggested and Dean nodded.

"That would be a good idea. Just don't, you know, fly us anywhere. Plus you didn't warn me about that thing being like an airplane." Dean said making it clear that he doesn't want to go through that traumatizing moment ever again because now look what happened they're in a different universe while Cas almost died to get there.

"Hey, that THING is a she, and she is my sexy and you won't insult her." The Doctor said before walking out the door and putting on aviators as he went down the steps to his blue box or his 'sexy.'

Sherlock gave The Doctor an untrustworthy look but was intrigued to what was going to become of this case.

"Let's go John."

"What?! Are you insane? We don't even know these people let alone trust them, why are we trusting them now? And we would never be able to fit in that weird box of his---" John was cut off by the TARDIS appearing in the middle of the living room for the second time today.

Sherlock was still bewildered at the sight before him. I'm dreaming. But why wouldn't I be dreaming about a murder or a case? Thought Sherlock before pinching his arm childishly just to make sure. He sighed. This is going to be a very interesting case.

"Sherlock! You're not serious about this are you? We're not going to actually go with this madman right?" John warned with anger invading each word that came out of his mouth just then.

"Of course I'm serious, this is one of the best most intriguing cases I've ever had like I'm going to pass this up." John then puts his hand over his face in shame. Why do I have to be flatmates with him out of everyone?

Dean and Sam both help Cas stand up and walk him into the TARDIS.

"The Timelord technology interferes with my angel radio." Cas said before wincing at the throbbing pain in his head.

"Just hang in there Cas." Dean said as he set him on the TARDIS bench for now.

John and Sherlock walked in before Sherlock walked out and walked around the perimeter of the time machine.

"Its bigger on the inside stop dilly dallying and let's find your rooms shall we." The Doctor said leaning against his Sexy's console.

John didn't know how to react so he stood there frozen in shock. Sherlock walked back in still not believing his eyes. I'm tricking myself, I'm either dreaming, or insane. Well It's about time that I've gone insane.... but if I did then the police would fail as a whole... ugh.. they had it coming. thought Sherlock before he was knocked out of his thoughts because John had nudged him.

"Are you sure you're ok Sherlock, I mean I'm not but you're pale, I mean you are usually pale but you look ill."

"I see John inherited your blabbering." Clara sassed to The Doctor who nodded then paused.

"yea-- wait, rude!" The Doctor remarked realizing the insult Clara had sassed to him. He then sighed. "Here I'll show the Winchesters and Castiel their rooms you show John and Sherlock." The Doctor said narrating with his hands again.

"Of course, I'd be happy to Doctor." Clara said bowing dramatically and sarcastically.

"Rude." John mumbled under his breath before he became dizzy. This is impossible... this can't exist... I'm dreaming. you're about to. what? Everything then went black for John and he passed out landing on the TARDIS floor. John wakes up with a mild headache as the room comes into view. He was in a blue walled room with a computer on a desk and a brand new cane next to his bed.

Someone walked in the room before John could tell but he got a closer look and it was just The Doctor

"The TARDIS made this room personalized just for you like all the other's," The Doctor had said. "By the way Sherlock left you a glass of water from the TARDIS's kitchen."

"Thanks?" John questioned. John sat up and went over to the computer. My blog is up. "Thanks TARDIS." John said, after knowing it is a living organism, which is what John picked up from The Doctor's blabbering, also that it's his 'sexy.'

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