Chapter One * Hunters in the TARDIS

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Dean was asleep in his room from the bunker when he heard an awful straining sound in his ear that reminded him of keys rubbing against piano strings. Dean jumped awake from the strange sound that was coming from outside his door and then it stopped.

"Hnng... Sammy? What are you doing at," Dean checks the clock on his bedside table, "Three thirty in the mornin'?" Since Dean got no response he pulled his gun out from his drawer attached to his bedside table.

"Sammy?" Dean called still collecting no response so he slowly opened the door to the hallway to find nothing. He went to the living room to see a giant blue call box standing before him. "Sammy! Get over here!" Dean yelled hoping for Sam to come out and fortunately he did.

"What do you want Dea-?" Sam stopped in the middle of his sentence because he had noticed the blue box in the middle of their living room.

"What the hell?!" Sam said grabbing a gun from the table and pointing it at the box as Dean did the same. All of a sudden a man and a woman popped out of the box. What the hell? A hipster and a school teacher? How the hell did they get here?! Dean thought to himself.

"Woah, woah, woah! Put down the guns gentlemen!"

"Why should I do that british hipster," Dean said, Clara just rolling her eyes in response.

"You shouldn't be giving sass while you got a gun pointed to your head lady," Dean said making her tense up.

"Oi! You can put down the guns, we aren't a threat!" The Doctor said to try and talk them to put down the guns.Sam gave Dean a signal to lower the gun. Dean didn't want to but slowly agreed and lowered the weapon.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Dean asked, venom in his voice.

"I'm the Doctor and this is Clar-"

"Clara Oswald," Clara interjected, her voice very clear.

"The TARDIS, or the thing behind us, was set to random and we landed here." The Doctor explained.

"But, we have to go, would you like to come with? The TARDIS stands for time and relative dimension in space, meaning it's a time machine, so, you could go anywhere in time and space, where would you like to star-"

Clara nudged eleven to make him shut up.

"Ow. That hurt" The Doctor whisper yelled to Clara who just rolled her eyes.

Dean just looked at them like they were insane. "How did that thing get here again?!"

"It's a time machine that travels through time and space. And hey! Be kind to her."

"Just give us a second," Sam said taking Dean to the other room. "C'mon man, they seem harmless"

"What?! Two random time travellers randomly come into our bunker and you just trust them right away?"

"No that's not what I'm saying Dean, I'm saying if his test results are negative and he isn't a monster then we interrogate, and investigate."

Dean just sighs and agrees getting the testing supplies. A silver knife, a glass of holy water, and cleaning supply incase they were leviathans.



Holy water:


Last but not least, cleaning supply:


Dean still gives them strange looks but is fine with it and so he winks at Clara. Clara smiles and blushes slightly while the Doctor just rolls his eyes at the two.

"Would you two stop flirting," Sam and the Doctor say at the same time making things awkward.

"Well? Would you like to start?" The Doctor pointed to the TARDIS.

"We aren't all gonna fit in there! are you crazy?" Dean said before Clara gave him a 'Just go you fool' look. Dean just glared at the Doctor and walked in making his jaw drop with awe.

Sam walked in shortly after Dean to find the blue box was bigger on the inside.

"Yeah, Yeah, It's smaller on the outside," Clara says in the doorway, leaning against it.

"So what'cha think?" Clara says to see their dumbstruck faces they had. "Uhh..It's....uhm..." Dean was at a loss of words as the Doctor strolled in and started pulling levers, pressing buttons, and turning screws.

"Is-Is it like a-a plane?" Dean asked scared because of his fear.

"I guess you could say that." The Doctor said making Dean sigh and latch on the the railing mumbling something along the lines of "I hate planes," and Sam just grunts, still in shock of what was happening.

"Okay," The Doctor clapped his hands, "Clara, push that lever please," Clara did as The Doctor had said but pushed it upward causing the TARDIS to make a wheezing, screechy sound.

"No, no, no, no, no! Push it downwards!" The Doctor ran around the console as the TARDIS started to crash and made them all jump and hold on to the railings. What did I just do?! Clara thought to herself. "Well how was I supposed to know to pull the lever downwards?!" Clara's voice filled with sass and fear.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I will die with a maniac n' a box and his girlfriend," Dean yelled falling over as they were falling through the time vortex. "I am not his girlfriend!" "I am not her boyfriend!" They both shouted at the same time Dean just rolling his eyes and catching hold of the railing again as Sam stumbled and held on to the railing with his life.

But there was something strange. something very very different, the time vortex seemed to have completely changed its timeline. "What?!" The Doctor yelled looking at the monitor. "No, no, that is bad, very very bad!" The Doctor said pulling more levers. "We are entering a completely different dim-" The Doctor was interrupted by the TARDIS 'landing' or in other words crashing like a meteor on their new destination.

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