Remembering Sunday (Degrassi One-Shot)

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Remembering Sunday 

It's been two years. Two years since Eli Goldsworthy's ex girlfriend Julia died. The ache wasn't as bad anymore, but it was still there. Sometimes he would just sit in his room and think about her. Her laugh, her smile. He always thought that it had been his fault that she had died, but his new girlfriend Clare had convinced him that he had nothing to feel guilty for. He decided that today was the day he was going to visit her at his grave. He had only gone twice after she had died and after seeing how upset and inconsolable he got when he went, his parents Cece and Bullfrog decided that it would be best if he stayed away for a while. It had taken a lot of convincing for Cece and Bullfrog to let Eli go back there, but they had finally agreed, knowing that he was in a better place than he was 2 years ago.Being the one who convinced him to go, Clare had offered to go with him, hell even Jake had offered to go with him, but he had told the both of them that this was something that he had to do on his own and that he would be fine. After going to get his former love's favourite flowers, which were roses, he got into his dad's car and drove to the cemetery. 

As soon as Eli got to Julia's grave, he felt as if she was there with him. It was an oddly comforting feeling. He then set the roses down on her tombstone and sat cross- legged in front of it. He then started to speak to her, as if she was there with him. "Hey Jules. It's me, Eli. I'm sorry I haven't come to see you that much. It's because, at the time, I just couldn't handle the earth- shattering fact that you were gone. I'm in a much better place now than I was before, but there are still times when I think about the awesome times that we had together and I feel happy, because I got to have those times with you, but then I feel sadness, because I know that we won't have any more of those awesome times." Eli talking was interrupted when a sob that he was so desperately trying to hold in had escaped him. After he had cried a few silent tears, he continued to speak. " I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Clare. She's actually the one who convinced me to come and see you today. I think that if you were still here, you and her would be really good friends. I don't know if you know this, but I always used to blame myself for your death. Sometimes I still do. I feel like if I hadn't had fought with you that night, you would still be here with all of us today. There would be times that the ache would be so bad that I would think about ending my life to stop the pain, but then I would think about what you would do if you were in my position. I think, no, I know, that you would just go on living as best as you could and live life to the fullest. You would miss me a lot, but you would keep living, because you would know that it's what I would want you to do. I would want you to be as happy as possible and to get everything that you ever wanted in life. I'm going to do the same, because I know that's what you want me to do. Goodbye Jules. I will always miss you." With tears streaming down his face, Eli got up and walked back through the cemetery to get to Bullfrog's car.  

As soon as Eli got into the car and drove away from the cemetery, he felt a sense of closure. Eli was an atheist, but in that moment, he prayed a silent prayer to the God that he didn't believe in that Julia had heard him and was watching over him. He then turned on the radio and Remembering Sunday by All Time Low was playing. It was Julia's favourite song. They would listen to it all the time when they were driving to school or just chilling in his room. It was at that moment that it started raining. Singing along to the music, he drove back to his house.

"I guess I'll go home now, I guess I'll go home now, I guess I'll home now, I guess I'll go home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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