Unforgettable Weekend

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Renée's body became wrinkled from staying in the bath for far too long. She quickly dried off, dressed, and met Jackie in her room.

"Renée, you missed all the fun. Whoa, how long were you in the bath?"

"I am not sure, what time is it?"

"It's 1:00 a.m. What time did you get home?"

"I got home about 10:00 p.m. So I guess I was in the bath for almost three hours. Wow, I must have been really tired."

"What did you do? I thought Gage was the tame one . . . what could he have done to tire you out so much?"

"It was not so much that we did a whole lot, just a long day that is all. We went to eat lunch at the Macaroni Grill, and then he took me to this secret park of his and Castiel's. Then we ate dinner at Chili's."

"Macaroni Grill to start off the date? Wow, that's classy. What's this about a secret park? Cas never mentioned anything about a park."

"It is a park they have looked after. It is wonderful, so peaceful and clean and welcoming."

"Wow, it sounds like Gage pulled all the stops on romancing you. All you need now is a bed full of rose petals. Please tell me he kissed you good night . . . he did kiss you good night, right?"

"Yes, he did."

"Oh, come on. You know damn well I am going to want details. How can you just leave it like that? It's like reading a book where the sexy guy dies in the end, leaving the damsel blubbering and heart-broken."

"You are just too crazy. It was perfect. He even let me decide in a way. He met me halfway, you could say. His lips are so warm. I thought that my knees were going to give out on me." The very reminder of it made her swoon.

"How unbelievably boring, he should have grabbed you and planted one right on you." Jackie looked so disappointed. She knew never to expect anything from Renée but story-book romance being such a sentimental person, while Jackie emanated a domineering personality.

"Only you would find that romantic, Jackie. I will stick with my classic romance, thank you. How was your date with Castiel . . . I am sure you have a lot to tell me."

"Oh yes. It was awesome. Now there's a guy I can see staying with a while. First we went to the movies. We saw Fast Five, I have to say, that is a great movie. Vin Diesel and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson make a great pair for a movie."

"I cannot wait to see that movie. It looks really good."

"Yes, it sure is. But I won't ruin it for you. However, I do have tons to tell you about Castiel again. He's great. I don't mean just his personality, but oh my God can he kiss. Not too rough, but not too soft either. Just right, just the right amount of aggression combined with passion. I think we spent most of the night kissing. But at least he was nice enough to actually wait until after the movie. I was happy for that. I hate it when a guy takes me to a nice movie and then wants to make out the entire time. So stupid, why pay to see a great movie and then kiss the whole time when we could just go to the park and kiss. Hey, Renée, you still awake? Renée."

"What? Oh, I am so sorry. I really did not mean to fall asleep on you like that. I guess that bath really relaxed me more than I intended it to."

"That's all right. How about we get to sleep and tomorrow morning I will fill you in on everything? That way I will have your full attention. Good night, Renée."

"I am sorry again, Jackie. Goodnight."

Jackie waved away her apology and left to go to her own bed and leaving Renée to sleep. Renée could not believe she fell asleep on her. She did not usually do something like that. I will have to make it up to her tomorrow morning, she thought before she drifted off to sleep.
"I have an announcement to make," Calla said, sitting at the table with her mother Tatiana, who looked white as snow with emerald green eyes and silvery hair at the head of the table. Rye, who had green tinted skin, brilliant solid white eyes, and hair, sat in front of her to her mother's left. Finally, Mabh, with her haggard like appearance, sickly white skin, darker than night hair and eyes to match, sat at the other end of the table about four seats down from Calla and Rye.

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