Sarah: Lisa's Influence

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It's been three years since Lisa died.

I've been sitting in her empty, sunlit, room. The navy blue walls made it seem like it was always nighttime, and the glow in the dark stars made sure she could see all the constellations from her room. The clear, glass like, bed made it seem like she was floating in zero gravity or in general in one of the tubes that shoot you through the fabrics of space.

Lisa was always interested in the darkness beyond Orchanal's boundaries. She always had this theory that there was another planet beyond ours that has life like us, but their technology wasn't as advanced. They had cures and treatments for a lot of things, but not the most amazing technology to explore space.

Ever since she found out she was Universal, she's been more than happy to go to space at any cost in search of some sort of evidence that her theory was true. Speaking of that theory, it kept on ringing in my ears, as she shouted it in my ears.

"From the realistic dreams we have of ourselves, to the odd scratches and bruises we get randomly on us, it's all connected to another reality. The reality that switches day and night with us, the reality that gives us another chance. The reality of another planet with life on it!"

Before she found out she was Universal, Lisa was a famous poet. Many people wondered where she had gone, ever since she left for space, but one day she wrote a poem about the experience. I was holding that exact, wrinkled up piece of paper in my fists. I unfolded it and read it, as my tear-dried face sobbed.

3. 2. 1.

Blast off,

Into the depths of the blackness

With no light available.

Cold trances of shivers flow through

Heat climbs up my ears,

As I'm waiting to be released

Into the jelly like atmosphere.


Up goes the cage's lid.

My body feeling like I'm in water,

Slowly makes its way up

Into the darkness above.

Outside the small, cramped, space,

I see the glitters of blue, purple and whites.

My eyes shimmer with curiosity,

As they shine.

Almost taunting me to join their little festival of colors.

Focusing on the smallest of the spilled glitter,

I see small bits of me coming back.

Telling me to go forward.

Showing me there's more than the tiny speck we are.

Allowing me to search more.

And that I shall do more.

The poem was the most famous one any writer, poet, or singer had ever written! Many people interviewed her and even told her how it must've been to be out in the depths of zero gravity and timeless space. Ever since she's been gone, I've wondered myself about her theory.

And that's when I started to come here.

To the Observatory.

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