B Mine?

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It was the morning of December 25th. Zosia had stayed in the spare room at mine so we could make it a special Christmas. It was 9am and she was still asleep. I sat on the sofa looking at the splurge of Christmas that had exploded around me. Yesterday we bought a tree and decorations to put up, and although it did look a bit like Santa's grotto in my house, it was our Santa's grotto, and I was pretty damn proud of it.

The presents lay beautifully beneath the tree, waiting to be torn apart by the two of us. My present was placed on top of them all; a carefully wrapped little box, covered in pastel blue paper with a little silver bow on it. I got a little impatient with waiting for her so I went into the room and gently woke her up. She didn't look too pleased... We opened the presents one by one; the usual gifts. Socks from my dad, aftershave from my mum. The same as every year. I told Zosia that she couldn't open my present until later. It was a special present, and if it were to cause an issue, I'd rather it not happen until our perfect day together was over. She handed me a rather large present to which I was very sarcastic about and she did hit me. To be frankly honest, I don't blame her. We had a full Christmas dinner; turkey, stuffing, veg and of course pigs in blankets. We chatted the day away with a bottle of wine - it was so perfect.

"I'm just nipping outside. I won't be a minute." I went and waited at the bottom of the garden, the trail leading up to my little spot. I waited for a while and noticed that she had come out to me. She followed the trail of rose petals all the way down until she got to a circle of them. Inside the circle was the box. She looked down and carefully picked it up, being sure she unwrapped it slowly. She lifted the lid to see a love heart inside.

"Eh?" I heard her say out loud. I sprang out from behind the shed and she looked at me in a puzzled expression.

"Turn it over." I said softly. She turned over the love heart and read the phrase it said.

"Be mine?" She looked a it for a second then looked up at me. I looked into her eyes and whispered 'be mine?' so softly that the ants beneath me wouldn't be able to hear me. She dropped the box and kissed me passionately, as flakes of snow began to fall from the sky.

"Oliver Valentine, you big softie. Of course I'll be yours." She kissed me again, this time with more meaning. What a magical Christmas.

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