Chapter 2

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Henrys response left me curious as to what he meant. But not so curious as to not finish my meal and my favorite beer. I sit there in silence pushing my potatoes around as I thought his response over.

Henry had never been the joking type. The fact that he had to secretly tell me to leave told me something about what was happening. Was he expecting something to happen here?

Is this why he came back home? One last look at the town he grew up in before something bad was to happen? I decided to give it some more serious thought but I wanted to see if I could find out more about his worry in some secret way.

How could I find out what he meant without coming out and breaking the trust he had in me? My best option was to go to his family. They were like kin to me. So if he told me then surely he said something to them.

I motioned for the waitress to give me the bill, apparently Henry's punishment for me being late was paying for his part also, I got up and headed to Henry's parents house.

They didn't live to far from the diner. Honestly, I haven't been by to see them for a few days so dropping by and seeing them wouldn't be a bad thing. We could catch up on how things have been going and then I could drop a hint or two about Henry's warning.

I get to their house and walk through the gate. I am usually met by their dog Topanga but she must be inside the house wagging her tail like crazy since she always liked me.

I knocked on the door and waited a second for a response. Topanga usually let Henry's parents know when someone was outside so it didn't take long for them to make it to the front door, usually a knock or two.

I didn't hear anyone so I knocked again. After a few seconds of waiting and no one coming to the door I decided to check the backyard.

I walked around the back to see if they where in their back yard but it was empty. There was Henry's mothers garden, that looked like it needed to be watered, but nothing else.

I went to the back door and knocked again. Topanga should be going nuts right about now but I have yet to see her at the door.

I decided to check the windows. Maybe I am a little intrusive but no one has complained about it yet. Once I looked inside I stepped back in shock.

The house was completely empty. Nothing was inside except for a few odds and ends.

"What is going on?" I wondered as I sit on the back porch.

First Henry's warning and now his parents have disappeared.

The thing is that this is a small village. How could someone leave without anyone noticing? Also, how could they have left without ever saying anything to me.

I decided to go home. I had a lot to think about and no one to talk about it to. Sure I could go see some of my other friends in town and ask if anyone has seen or heard from Henrys parents but it would only draw some unnecessary attention. Hell for all I knew they are out of town visiting relatives.

As I walked into the house I go to the fridge to grab a beer. I sit down on the couch and turn on the television, maybe the news can give me some insight.

"Today on news 52, we are continuing our coverage on the recent outbreak of earth quakes."

Apparently nothing is on the news but the same ole same ole.

I finally said screw it and turned my television off and went to bed.


Somewhere in the far reaches of the planet, red eyes peer out over a deep trench. A mysterious figure looks up at the two moons as they begin to overlap one another and smiles egerly.

He has waited for this day for so long. The day that was for told. He has roamed this miserable planet since the beginning and was weakened and defeated by a welp and his followers.

He spits on the ground at that thought. He was to cocky in his youth. That won't happen again. He has slowly been gathering his energy to finally take back what is rightfully his.

Millenniums have past and he has been patiently waiting for the time the Guardians fell. The last one has fallen ill and he has no one to replace him.

The dark figure licks his lips at the thought of all the power he is about to attain. He is freshly fed from absorbing those fools called the Holy Irons and now he has enough energy to raise his army.

It was almost to easy, thousands of them came at him. He wiped them away with a swing of his arm. Few survived and to establish fear he let then leave. They were insignificant, and now they knew it.

He raised his hands above his head and started to focus his dark energy into the trench.

"The time has come my children. It is time to take back what is rightfully ours. No longer will we be banished in this pit and be made to watch as the Mysterians dominate our planet. Hear my voice and rise up to obey your king. It is time for us to destroy all Mysterians!"

A loud rumble could be heard in the distance as the planet started to crack beneath him. Thousands of horrific screams could be heard as the town close by began to collapse into the trench.

Like a wave spashing on the shores a black cloud of ungodly figures rose from their broken cage. Their demon king waiting to welcome them. With an evil smile on his face he turns and starts to walk away.

"One cage left" he says as he looks at the dark swirl above him. He let's out an evil laugh and starts to walk away.


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