Starting-Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 I slam down another shot of tequila, this is my fourth. The room is starting to blur a little but it's a good thing. I'm sitting in my basement with the boys. Mom is out of town for the weekend, leaving the house to Char and me, which basically means me. It's been four days since I over heard Morgan and Nessa in the bathroom.

"Weber, she's out drinking you." Matt comments. I'm out drinking everyone. Actually maybe not. I don't remember.

"Not meeeee" JP smiles and laughs and pours another shot. Carson tries to stand up and walk to the pool table but he's a little tipsy.

The basement of my house was my dad's sanctuary. His man cave. There's a giant flat screen TV on the olive colored wall, several big leather couches, a bar with all you can drink alcohol, and even a pool table, a Foosball ball table, and a ping long table. When dad was gone, mom never got the nerve to come down here and clean any thing up. Thus leaving an empty room filled with assorted alcohols right at my finger tips.

"Do you think you can beat me?!" Carson yells at Matt who's now also playing drunk pool. I go to take another swing of the tequila in front of me but Nate stops me.

"Tess maybe you should not. You're going to hate yourself tomorrow." he lowers the bottle from my mouth but I fight back.

"C'mon Natie-pie, live a little!" my words all blur together and my fingers tingle. He gives me a look and takes his hand off the bottle, shaking his head as if to say whatever. I take another swig and then focus on getting myself into Nate’s lap where he's sitting cross legged on the floor. The last thing I can remember is falling off the couch onto the floor next to him. After that? I take no responsibility for my actions.


It feels like an ATV decided to ride over my head. Several times. The first few times I open my eyes I have to squint from the light streaming in the windows, which burns my brain cells. My throat is on fire and my body feels so heavy. Once my eyes finally grow a little used to the light I take in my surroundings. I'm in my own bed. But I don't remember how I got here. I'm wearing a tank top and pajama pants, yet I started drinking in black skinny jeans and a purple tee shirt. What the shit happened.

A soft knock sounds on my door and I mumble a come in. In walks Nate carrying a venti mocha latte from Starbucks. My favorite.

"Hey." he sets the coffee down on my bed side table. "I figured you'd need a little pick me up this morning." He also throws me a brand new bottle of Tylenol

"Thanks. Was I bad last night?" I cover half my face under my blanket, not wanting to know the answer.

"You weren't TOO...." he pauses "Well actually yeah it was pretty bad." I groan and flop down onto the pillow of my queen sized bed.

"Are the guys still here?" I cover my eyes and wait for the head ache to go away. It doesn't.

"No they had early practice. Sucks for them." he chuckles. Matt Carson and JP play football. Nate is on the year round swim team because he has so much potential.

I watch as he sets down his black coffee on my dresser and walks around the bed to the side I don't sleep on and where I'm guessing he slept last night. Nate and I have slumber parties all the time. Some people think its strange but to me it's just normal. I'm completely used to waking up with his arm strung across my stomach and my leg stretched over his. It's how we've lived since we were like seven.

He sheds his Penn State hoodie and climbs into his side of my bed. I take little sips of my frap and throw down a couple Tylenol. My stomach feels like its caving in on itself. I'm surprised I haven't puked yet. I curl into a little ball and scoot closer to Nate and fall straight back asleep for another hour.

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