Listening-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“She's such a little whore.” Morgan Sleed's voice carries over the stall. I quickly but silently pull my legs up so no one knows I'm in here. I watch carefully as Nessa bends down and scans for feet, once she sees that no one is in the bathroom with them she starts in.

”You know, I bet shes slept with all of them.” her voice is snake like while she unzips her makeup bag and starts to reapply lip gloss. I watch through the crack between my stall and the mirror. I'm pretty sure they're talking about me.

“Probably.” Morgan comments. “And if not all of them, then definitely Nate. I mean they're like attached at the hip.” Now I know its me.

”God. What a slut. I bet her Daddy's just paying him to be her friend. And hes so desperate he'll take any thing. Even prison money.” Vanessa cackles and Morgan laughs so hard she snorts. I fight back tears.

This is the third time since the incident that I've been subject to eavesdropping in on their little conversations about me. The first time was the worst. I stayed out of school for almost a week, crying and eating ice cream, before Nate dragged me back. He convinced me I wasn't allowed to let them get to me. The second time wasn't any easier but JP, Nate, and Matt dragged me out of bed and brought me to Mario's so I felt better and didn't miss any school. Right now though? That was some of the harshest stuff. Recovering from this wont be easy.

My eyes are stinging and the lump in my throat is threatening to burst at any moment. I wait until theyre out of the bathroom and definitely down the hall before I leave. When I walk back into chemistry I can instantly feel the concern dripping off Nate as he watches me.

”Bean, you okay?” his eyes plead with me to tell him the truth.

”Yeah. I dont feel very good. I think I'm going to go home. Call me after school. Kay?” I lie. I know he sees through it but I can't run the risk of breaking down to him right here. Theres to many of Vanessa's little minions in this class.

”Okay...” he watches me. I raise my hand and ask to go to the nurse. The chem teacher, Mrs. Till eyes me and graciously tells me I look pretty shitty and to go ahead. ”Tessy,” Nate says when I stand. I turn and face him. ”Love you String Bean.” He says and it takes everything I have not to break down in complete tears.

Once the nurse calls my mom tells her that I'm not well, the burning in my eyes has gotten stronger. mom says she can't leave work to come get me and I don't have my car since I ride to school with Carson and Nate, but the nurse refuses to let me walk home. 

the nurse is a big black woman with to much hair spray and not enough education. She sounds southern.

"it's too far sweetie. And you so pale you look like a ghost on one of them movies. I can't let you walk. You'll end up the side of one of them streets all knocked out." she claims.

"Please just let me walk." I beg "I'll be fine."

"Sorry sugar. No can do. You ride to school with someone?" I nod. "Think they'll bring you home?" I nod again. "Alright. Lemme pull some strings. Hate to see a skinny little thing like you get real sick from not the right recovery." she says then goes into my file. After some papers shuffle she says "Be right back honey." and walks out the door leaving me alone surrounded by tongue depressors and cotton balls.

I glance around. The room is small and white, it smells faintly like plastic mixed with sweat. There's a little mini fridge in one corner of the room, I'm guessing filled with ice packs for those gym class issues. On one counter she has a display of a range of medical supplies from sick masks to extra strength hand sanitizer. I notice a separate opening into a dark room, I'm guessing for head ache patients to rest and her desk, covered with files.

DrowningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora