"Whatever Marcus!!" I yelled over my shoulder.

I bumped into a firm chest. I fell flat on my butt.

"Ouch!!" I looked up to see the Phys Ed teacher Mr.Palm.

Yep he was married to Mrs. Palm.

"I'm sorry Roxie. I didn't see you there." He pulled me up.

"I-it's o-ok." I stuttered.

I was afraid of Mr. Palm even though he would hurt a fly anymore. He was steroid muscle huge and used to be a pro fighter until he got messed up.

He laughed a deep hearted laughed before patting my head.

"I see you haven't been in the library yet." He smirked.

"No I have." I held my books to me.

"Ok then you must've not seen my nephew?" His face held confusion.

"I have." I nodded slightly. "What about him?"

"You're not drooling over him. You're not love struck." He took my face in his hand and examined it. "You show no signs of crushing in him. Are you a human girl?"

"Yes I'm human Mr. Palm." I moved his hand. "I'm not crushing on your nephew like I'm not crushing on anyone at this school. Now if you'll excuse me I have Chemistry to get too." I walked around him and headed down the hall.

"Roxie could you take this to Mr. Palm?" Mrs. Ramirez stood in front of me.

I looked at my partner and he nodded.

"Sure I guess." I took off my goggles and lab coat. I took the paper and pass.

I took my time going to the gym. It was probably empty because its nice outside and they probably went out to play flag football or something.

As I got closer to the gym I heard squeaks and a ball bouncing against the floor.

Who would be in this gym?

I looked inside. I couldn't see his face but it was a guy in basketball shorts and some Jordan's shooting basketballs. The ball fell through the hoop and he pulled up his shorts before bending over and picking it up.

"I know you're there." His voice echoed through the room. "I heard your heels about a mile away."

His voice was familiar.

I walked inside the gym and my heels echoed throughout the room. He spun around and it was Zane.

"Got tired of aunt already?" I headed towards him.

"Nope it's uncles turn to watch me. Not doing a very good job at it though." He held the ball in his hands.

"Where is he?" I looked at his office and the light was off.

"Swimming pool. They're having swim class today." He rolled his eyes.

That's why he was wearing swim trunks today!!!

"Thanks." I walked towards the doors.

"This is from Mrs. Ramirez." I looked up at him and handed him the paper.

He unfolded it and skimmed over it. He blew his whistle and the splashing stopped.

"Turner, Garcia and Hicks!" He called out. "Mrs. Ramirez needs to see you pronto."

Three boys climbed out the pool and walked into the locker room.

"Yo Roxie." Zach called out from on the pool.

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