17. From Ash and Dust

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Quote /lyric: If this is to end in fire, we shall all burn together. Watch the flames clime higher. Into the night. ~Ed Sheeran~ I See Fire

"Anything?" Bellamy asked Clarke, who stared out into the woods beyond the fence.

She shook her head. "It's been two days. Maybe the bomb scared them off."

"You believe that?" asked Dakota incredulously.

"Not even a little bit," Clarke replied, her face stoic. "They're coming."

"At least Jasper says he can make more gunpowder," said Dakota. "And Raven thinks she can turn it in to land mines. One step near camp and we'll blow the grounders sky high."

Clarke looked at her, appalled.

"What? That's exactly what they are trying to do to us."

"I can't believe we survived one hundred years just to make it down here and slaughter each other," Clarke mumbled.

"Any word from the Ark?" asked Bellamy, trying desperately to change the subject.

"It's silent," said Dakota. "They must have run out of air."

"Maybe my mom was lucky," Clarke said, not meeting anyone's eyes. "Being on the Exodus ship, at least it was quick. No one is coming down to save us."


Dakota was carrying a bucket of water into the drop ship when she heard the yells outside. She broke into a sprint, but skidded to a halt in front of Octavia who was choking on the thick smoke in the air. The smokehouse had gone up in flames.

"This is your fault!" Murphy yelled, launching himself at Del. "We told you it was too much wood!"

Bellamy threw himself in the mix, pulling the two boys apart. "Save it for the grounders!" He yelled.

"What the hell are we going to do now Bel?" Octavia asked. "That was all the food!"


"We'll need to go hunting," said Clarke, taking hold of a spear. "Anyone we can spare needs to go out."

"With a whole army of grounders out there looking to kill us?" Bellamy snapped.

Dakota took Bellamy's hand. "She's right, Bel. There's no way we can fight or even defend camp if we're starving."

"Alright everybody get over here!" Bellamy yelled at the group. "Everyone takes someone with a gun but they aren't for shooting animals. You only use your gun on grounders. We need to save our ammo. You use your spear for hunting. Everyone take what they can and be back by nightfall! No one stays out after dark!"

Dakota picked up a spear and chuckled. "King Bellamy is back."

"I heard that," he said with a chuckle. Bellamy slung his arm around Dakota's shoulder. "I've got the gun. You ready to go, Kota?"

"Uh, why do you get to be the one with the gun?" asked Dakota.

"Uh," replied Bellamy, mimicking her. "Cuz I'm bigger than you."

"But I'm a better shot."

"No you're not!" Bellamy protested.

"Finn!" called Dakota, grabbing the attention of the first person she saw. "Am I a better shot than Bellamy?"

"Yeah," said Finn without missing a beat.

Dakota grinned smugly while Bellamy told Finn to shut the hell up. He pulled on Dakota's hand. "Come on."

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