15. Murphy's Law

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Quote/lyric: with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean, she's the angel of small death and the codeine scene-Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene/Hozier

Clarke fell to her knees with an agonized wail and Dakota knew exactly how she felt. Watching your mother die is the most painful thing anyone can ever experience. It was Finn who had to pull her into his arms in attempts to calm her down. But it was doing nothing. Bellamy silently signaled for everyone to give them some space and lead them over to the fire.

"Tomorrow we'll go and check out the wreckage. Maybe there's something we can salvage," he said, his voice quiet. Everyone gave their silent approvals and dispersed.

Dakota stared into the clearing where Clarke and Finn were still huddled up as Clarke's muffled sobs echoed through the trees. All Dakota could think about was the pain Clarke was feeling over her mother which made her own pain blossom throughout her chest.

"Come here," said Bellamy, pulling Dakota firmly into his side. He stroked her hair, but could offer no words of hope. He knew there was none. "Let's go to bed," said Bellamy as he took Dakota's hand and led her away from the screaming girl and the fires blazing in the distance.

It felt strange to Dakota, being in Bellamy's tent without being injured, as she had been many times before. Laying there, snuggled up next to him after everything that had happened felt so official. But in a good way. His strong arms around her made her feel safe and that's how she fell asleep; calm, for the first time in a long time.

She woke up disoriented, her vision hazy and her mind blurry.

"Morning sleepy," said Bellamy with a laugh, his voice husky.

Dakota pressed her lips against his. "I love you," she said. She realized it was the first time she had said it. It felt good. Right. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved him.

Bellamy broke into a grin and said, "I love you too, Kota. We should probably get up, though. You know how this camp falls part without me."

Dakota laughed and gave his shoulder a push, only to make him slip and fall off the edge of the bed.

The tent was filled with laughter as Bellamy pulled Dakota onto the floor with him. He smashed his lips onto hers and they laughed and kissed. And it was perfect. For a moment they forgot where they were and all that had happened. They weren't thinking about surviving on a planet with people that wanted to kill them. It didn't matter that they had eighty teenagers to police into behaving so they could survive. The chancellor's arrival wasn't a dreaded affair. In that moment they had each other, and that was what counted.

"Hey Bellamy, we need- Oh God. Seriously?" It was Clarke who had ripped open the flap of Bellamy's tent to see him and Dakota in a heap on the floor.

Dakota awkwardly moved off Bellamy and stood, adjusting her shirt, becoming very aware that it was Bellamy's shirt and all she was wearing. She crossed her arms in an uncomfortable manner. "Hey, Clarke, what's up?" She asked.

Clarke surveyed Dakota for a moment and then said, "We need to go look at the wreckage of the Exodus ship."

"Okay," said Bellamy. It was an awakened moment while Clarke stood there watching them and Bellamy gave her a look that said get out. She took the hint and exited, mumbling something along the lines of "you two lovebirds are driving me crazy."

"Why is Clarke here?" Finn hissed in Dakota's ear. "This is the worst possible place for her to be."

"She wants answers about her moms death," Raven shot in before Dakota could reply.

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