"What's happening?" Leigh asked pulling back

"Jade is in an induced coma so they don't know if she'll make it and Sam well he is better off but he is sleeping" I explained as the tears formed in my eyes it killed me to think Jade may not make it.

"Come on she will make it through she is strong we all know that" Perrie said trying to make us all think positive "when can we see her?" She asked

"Well Norma's in there at the moment so one at a time after her" I explained

"Who wants to go first?" Leigh spoke up

"Jesy you were here first you can" Perrie looked down

"Pez what's wrong?" I asked nervously

"Nothing, nothing it's fine"

"Seriously if you want you can see her first I understand" I rubbed her shoulder

"Are you sure?" She asked tears forming in her eyes

"Of course" I pulled her into a big hug we just needed to stick together and get through this and be here for Jade.


Perrie's POV

I walked down the hall till I reached Jades room I needed to talk to her I need my Jadey I didn't want to lose her!

I knocked softly on the door and before long it opened to reveal a teary Norma

"I'm so sorr-" I was cut of by her arms around me pulling me into a hug

"It's okay pet, just look after her I'm going to go get something to eat" she said pulling back

"I will I promise" I said softly as she walked past me, I opened the door slowly to see a Jade laying almost lifeless in the hospital bed, her face covered in scratches and a big cut above her eyebrow.

I slowly walked towards her trying to hold back my tears I hated seeing her like this she was the nicest person she didn't deserve it.

"Hello poopy" I smiled and let out a slight laugh thinking of the reason we call her that.

I slowly took a seat next to her bed taking her hand in mine holding it up to my cheek as the tears began to fall from my eyes, I couldn't help it any more.

"Please Jade you have to pull through this we need you, I need you!" I sobbed "you always know how to make us laugh, you're adorable, you're our Jadey and we love you please be okay I beg you" my crying became worse as I ran my hand down the side of her face

"There is so much I need to tell you right now, I haven't told anyone about why I went home to South Shields I was waiting to tell you first because that's what I've always done" I rested my head down on the bed still holding her hand tight "my grandma is seriously ill and I don't know how much time we have left with her" I explained even though I knew she couldn't respond, or hug me, or help me through it.

I sat up wiping my eyes trying to force a smile, I looked down at my wrist and noticed I had my woven bracelet on that I always wore for good luck.

I slowly untied it from my wrist and tied it onto Jades. I slowly stood up placing a soft kiss on her forehead "I love you Jade please wake up soon" was the last thing I said before I slowly walked towards the door taking on last look at her.

I hurried back to Jesy I pretty much ran down the hall straight into her arms

"Shh shh we can get through this" she whispered stroking my head as I heard her begin to cry also

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