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lukes pov

ashton texted me to 'watch my back' while i made my way to school.

so, i kind of ran for my life until the school was in sight. bless my long legs for once.

i continuously kept looking back to make sure i wasnt being followed.

i ran into the front doors and slowed down once i got inside. while i walked around i saw calum, so i decided to say hi because we didnt get to hang out

i walked over to him and smiled. "hey cal pal."

he turned around and smiled but it quickly turned into a semi-frown. "uh, hey luke?"

"wanna try and hang out tonight since you couldnt last time?"

"um, im working on the project with ashton."

shit. the project. michael and i havent even started it. i guess ill do it on my own.

"oh.. okay.." i frowned and walked off, glancing back a little to see if he looked at me. he didn't.

i walked over to my locker and unloaded my books out of my bag. my mind was all over the place.

michael was all i could think about. was he okay? is he getting better? whats his mum doing? does she even care about him? so many questions.

i started to think about calum and how he and ashton all of a sudden seemed buddy buddy. at first when they met they didn't even like each other. now im left in the dust. then i remembered that ashton basically hates me right now.


calum and ashton are buddy buddy, ashton hates me, ashton probably told calum, and thats why calum hates me now. im a genius.

well, my best friends hate me. but im a genius so,

back to michael. where is he?

i looked around the hallways until i found the one i was pretty sure had his locker down it. i didn't see him. maybe he is walking around?

i kept looking and looking. this was scaring me. where is he? i only saw him not too long ago. i need to check his arms.

i asked many people and they said they haven't seen him. i was finally getting fed up and tried texting him.

To: michael
where are you??

i heard the bell ring and sigh, walking to class. he never responded.

is this story all over the place?
bc i feel like it is :/ also tysm @5sauseageplay
for the ideas that are sure to come up!


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