Acting Out Love

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It’s a small word that can mean so much. Though sometimes, people use it effortlessly. Why? Who knows, they probably don’t even realize they’re doing it.

When I was little, my parents used to say that love is a precious thing that just keeps growing. Funny how they said that, yet divorced a few months later.

I’ve never had good experiences with love. The first guy I ever liked, I liked for a long time. I moved away but still liked him a lot. When I finally got to see him again, he had been going out with my ‘best friend’ behind my back since the day I left.

During the summer after 7th grade, I got a boyfriend. We had been friends for years before he confessed to me. I had liked him back too, so obviously I said yes. But after about two months, he dumped me because he was jealous of me having very close guy friends, and said he couldn’t trust my feelings.

I’ve had a few other occasions where love turned its back on me (which I wouldn’t like to mention) and in the end I came to a conclusion:

Love Doesn’t exist.

Well okay, that’s pretty vague. When I say love, I mean the romantic kind of love. Of course, I love my family, even my bratty sister, and that love is real.

But the love you feel for the opposite gender (or same, nothing against gays!) isn’t real.

Then again, it may just be me that love doesn’t exist for. That is very possible.

Which is why I hate this place that I’m heading to now.

School, or in my case, a building just waiting to torture me with name calling and 'pranks'.

My ‘school’ is filled with lovey-dovey couples that break up by the week, then get back together again in less than two hours. It seriously reminds me of a roller coaster. To me, it's pretty obvious that they don't really love eachother either...

My two best friends, Drew and Katie, have the same view on life that I do. Though they express it quite differently.

Katie is scene. She wears tons of different colors everyday that somehow match, yet not at all. This is how she earned the nickname skittles.

Drew on the other hand, wears nothing but black. His hair and clothes are always black no matter what season it is. He sometimes gets called emo but he’s not. He’s not at all depressed and refuses to wear make up. Even when we ask him to! His nickname to us it Kitty (or Kitten), for no real reason. Skittles says it’s because his hair feels like a kitten’s fur (which is true) but I don’t think that really has anything to do with it.

Me? I’m absolutely normal. Well, if there was such thing as normal then I would qualify. My hair is a nice shade of dark drown that I keep in a braid down my back and my eyes are a cool shade of icy blue. The clothes I wear don’t show any pattern except for a black jacket that I almost always wear ‘cause it’s from my dad.

My dad. He has started his own family in California, including a fiancé and a child on the way. Do I miss him? Of course! But not enough to go live there with him and start my life anew.

So I live in a small house with my mother and little sister, taking life day by day.


Hello! This is my new story so thank you for reading! Please tell me if I should continue or not! I will only continue if I get at least...

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 Thanks so much to everyone who made me a cover! In the end I chose the one made by nutella4eva but i will post up the other covers in each additional chapter! Soon i will be able to made a slideshow!


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