And It All Begins

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                An ear piercing, girly, shriek flooded through the school's hallways, causing multiple students to cover their ears from the sound. Meanwhile, Kitten and I were having to rest up against the wall for support as we tried to get our giggles under control. Why were we laughing so hard? Because we knew exactly where that shriek had come from, and we were very proud to be the cause of it.

                We raced as fast we could walk over to where we knew the shriek came from and were stopped midway by a large crowd surrounding a group of lockers. Pushing our way through the crowd to see who we knew would be there, I tried to calm myself so that I wouldn't burst out laughing when I saw them.

                Too bad that didn't work. The minute we had gotten the end of the crowd and saw Brad's face, I burst out laughing all over again. He whipped his head around to glare at me, a familiar fire raging in his eyes. If looks could kill...

                "What's wrong Brad?" I stuttered out between giggles, clutching my stomach for a bit of control as I caught the attention of the whole crowd. They all turned their heads towards me, their faces showing that they thought I was going completely mad. "Frog caught your tongue?"

                If you haven't figured it out by now, Kitten and I had cracked their lock combination and broke into their lockers early this morning and taped a dead frog from the science lab into each of their lockers.

                Almost immediately after I said that, Brad's eyes changed from horror to fiery rage, looking as if he was getting ready to pounce on me and rip out my throat at any second.

                Logan had a different expression on his face though. He looked more surprised and amused than mad.

                "Did you do this?" Bad demanded through his teeth, as if he was holding back a yell.

                "What do you think?" I answered teasingly, exaggerating the 'you' to get the full effect. Kitten was still standing next to me, holding back laughter as he knew it wasn't best for him to speak up at this moment.

                I swear I heard Brad growl, but Logan placed a hand on his shoulder before I got the chance to say anything more.

                "Calm down man. It was just a funny prank."

                Logan's tone wasn't even serious now. It had a joking feeling to it as if he himself was holding back laughter. Which was good for us, but it seemed that Brad had also picked up on it.

                "A funny prank?" Brad almost yelled, whipping his head around to send a cold glare in Logan's direction.

                Logan nodded, cautiously removing his hand from Brad's shoulder as he saw the look in his eyes.

                "What is going on here?!" A too familiar voice boomed from farther down the hallway. I swung my eyes around to meet Mr. Delvouries' angry ones. Kitten tapped my shoulder once and we slipped down the hallway silently, escaping the wrath of out terrifying principal.


                The rest of the day I avoided both Logan and Brad the best I could; taking any hallway necessary to get out of their way between classes.

                But Drama was sadly something that I couldn't avoid...

                The minute I walked through the double doors leading into the auditorium, I felt the sharp, cold glare digging into the side of my face. With a quiet sigh I plopped down into my usual seat on the other side of the room and resisted the urge to turn around and aim a glare right back at him.

                "Okay class!" Mrs. Lydon called from on the stage. We all turned out gazes towards her, listening intently for what we hoped would come next. "Most of you did very well on your auditions yesterday so choosing the roles for Romeo and Juliet was more difficult that I thought it would be. But after lots of thinking last night, I cast the roles and sheet it up on the back wall of the auditorium! You may go check it now!: Her voice was excited and I swear she was looking right at me the whole time she spoke, like she was trying to tell me something though I wasn't sure exactly what it was.

                The whole class immediately jumped up from their chairs and raced over to the back wall, pushing each other and running others over just to see what part they got.

                "Now way!" I heard a shout from over there and decided I should probably go check what role everyone else got. It's not like I really tried on my audition, so I probably won't get a very good role.

                With an almost inaudible sigh I stood up from my seat and went over to the back of the auditorium...

                The moment my eyes landed on my name my mouth dropped open in surprise and just a tinge of annoyance.

                Juliet Capulet.............................................Lacie Stoneheart

       the role of Juliet...? That's crazy! I didn't even try in the audition! This is all Brad's fault; he probably bribed Mrs. Lydon into giving me the part just to make fun of me!

                Or at least...that was what I thought before the name right below mine caught my widened eyes...

                 Romeo Montague...................................Logan Rune

                No way... This cannot be happening...!

                With almost everyone's eyes on me, I stormed over to Mrs. Lydon, an angry expression still present on my face as I stopped in front of her.

                "Can you please recast me?" I begged, effortlessly changing my mad tone and expression to a sad and pleading one.

                She shook her head. "No dear, you're perfect for the part!" Her voice was once again happy and excited, though I'm not sure why...she should surely know that me playing this role was going to ruin the play!

                I dropped my head, knowing that there was no point in arguing with her about this.

                Only then did I notice that Brad and Logan were standing behind me. Brad's expression looked happy and devious while Logan's was surprised and unsure. Good, he should be, this was going to be difficult...

                "Stoneheart, let's have a little talk..." Brad said mischievously, beckoning my over with his hand. I rolled my eyes and unwilling went over o them, not wanting to start another embarrassing scene.

                "I want to make a little bet with you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2011 ⏰

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