Twenty Five

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I sat on the couch that morning on my iPhone, procrastinating getting ready for the day.

As I dragged myself off the couch to make coffee, I groaned. I didn't feel like getting up and getting ready, or for that matter, doing anything.

Right as my fingers grazed the coffee machine, Natalie came up behind me and turned me around, directing me toward the basement door.

"Go do your morning workout," she said, smiling. "I can make your coffee."

"But-" I tried, but she pushed me down there and closed the door behind me anyway.

And, just when I thought she wouldn't come back down, she opened the door and snatched my phone out of my hand, closing the door again. "Workout! I don't want you sitting on your phone and being lazy!" she called through the door.

I laughed to myself as I heard her footsteps back into the kitchen and the click of Kota's claws on the hard floor. Natalie's sweet personality could charm you, but she could also be... her.

Only five minutes later, just as I put on foot on the elliptical, Natalie called me, telling me my coffee was ready.

I ran up the stairs and took it from her. "Whew, that was a tiring workout," I said sarcastically. Natalie rolled her eyes.

I set my coffee down and took her by the waist, pulling her closer to me. "You didn't give me enough time to do anything," I said, pressing my forehead against hers.

Natalie wrapped her arms loosely around my neck and smiled. "It was five minutes. You could've done something." She stood up on the tips of her toes and kissed my nose. "Drink your coffee while it's hot."

Reluctantly I let go of her. When I was at the last drop of coffee that was left in the mug, I could've sworn I saw something in it. I rotated the mug by it's handle, swishing the remnants around. All of the coffee was in one corner of the mug, and there was writing at the bottom. I finally was able to read it, and as soon as I did, I did a double take. It read, We're pregnant with #2.

I half-laughed, caught off guard. "What?"

Natalie massaged my shoulders and sat in my lap. I set my hands on her hips. "So," Natalie said, smiling wide, "what do you think?"

"What do I think?" I repeated, shaking my head. "Well is it a girl or a boy?"

"We don't know yet. Remember, we can't find out until the fourth month."

"How long has it been?" I asked, looking her in the eyes.

"A month and a half."

"A month and a half? I thought you would say a week."

Natalie laughed and played with my hair, rubbing my neck. "No. It's been a month and a half. Speaking of... want to see?" she asked.

"What? What do you mean?"

She pulled her blouse up over her stomach and set he hand on it. I set my hand on top of hers and she smiled.

"I don't know how I didn't notice this whole time," I mumbled, smiling. I till her face in my hands and kissed her, twice. "I love you. And I can't wait." Honestly, deep down inside, I was wishing for a baby girl, but either way, I'd be happy.

"Should we break the news to Sawyer?" Natalie asked.

"Nah. When he notices, we will."

Natalie smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. I set my hand on her stomach, and the more I thought about the baby and how anxious I was for the time to come.

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