I'm a 17 yr old teenager and yeah I have to protect the universe; Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Will opens the door for us. "Hey guys! Man...that was FAST! Way to go Selena!" Selena dances across the floor and gives Will a hug. "Thanks Will! AND I beat Blaze! Today's my lucky day eh?" I walk in the door, barely acknowledging Will, only giving her the slight nod of my head. "Still pissed is he," Will askes Selena as she puts her arm around her. "Yeah. Blaze is always pissed. Blame the fire within!" The two girls laugh and head off to the living room. I trail behind them, silently observing the way she throws back her head when she laughs, the twinkle in her eye when she's happy. The way she seemingly dances across every floor, more graceful then even Selena. I sigh. Control the fire itching to come forth.

The three of us are seated on Will's brown leather couches. Gosh I'm so slow I think, rather amused. How did I not notice the fourth is missing from his usual seat? "Where's Luke," I ask, to no one in particular. Will grins her sexy playful grin. That grin that makes me want to tackle her on the spot. "He's in my room. Cleaning. And fighting." Selena looks at her, puzzled. "Huh?" There's no need to ask that question apparently, because Luke comes into the room just then, covered in dirt while clutching a still twitching vine in his left hand.

"I. Will. Kill. You."

Will laughs. "Yeah. Right. How many times do you say that to me per week? On average?" She leans back on the couch. "Think about it Luke." His eyes switch from a bright, olive green to a sharp electric color.

A oh.

Luke flings a quick lighting bolt in Will's direction. Selena jumps out of the way while Will side steps to the right, and leaps onto Luke's back. She's going for a choke hold, but while Will can jump inhumane distances, Luke runs. Runs like lightning. And that's just what he did. I roll my eyes. This fight is going to end in; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.


Luke and Will are in an embrace, laughing, discussing their various "fight" tactics.

That's it.

I can't take it anymore.

I close my eyes, let the fire escape from my orb, and disappear.

I open my eyes and find myself in unfamilar surroundings. I concentrate and let my eyes turn red. I feel the heat as sparks are lit in my eyes. My eyes become what a torch was to a caveman. Saftey. Reassurance of where you are when the sun goes down. Warmth when it's cold out. The many blessings of fire which I've trained to come forth from any part of me. From my fingers, to my hair, to my body. I look around, trying to figure out exactly where I am. I snort, disgusted at myself. I'm really becoming slow. Scary.

I'm at my usual place. A cave 7 hours from downtown. Downtown where Will and all of our apartments are located. Basically, away from home.

I sit down on the hard, cold, ground and think.

Selena Yang, Willow Martin, and Luciano Fernadez grew up together here in downtown Toronto. They've been neighbors on the same floor since pre-school, discovered their powers together, discovered the prophecy together, discovered how there's one member missing together. Where was I when all of this was happening? Trapped in New York City, creating fires for no apparent reason.

I was alone.

Up until I turned 14, I was top of my class, recieved an early scholarship to the best high school in the state. But then fire would burst out of me at random intervals. That's when the trouble started.

I got kicked out of school, started doing drugs, got sent to juvie for drug possesion. I became a part of the streets. My heart marred and scarred so black, that the alleyways and I were one and the same. I thought I was a freak. I thought...I thought I was the devil. What I now know as the Dark Four.

My family supported me through all of this however. They didn't believe that I was doing this out of my own free will. They thought something was wrong, and they blamed NYC. So when I turned 16, my parents and I packed our bags and moved to downtown Toronto.

By the time I was 16, I ws able to control my fire somewhat. I noticed that, so I decided that it's time to go back to school.

And that's exactly what I did.

I felt like an outsider the minute I stepped into that building. However, I guess I got it wrong. I turned into an instant celebirty. I was praised for my good looks, all the girls wanted me, all the guys wanted my friendship so as to boost their "status". I walked the halls with my entourage always right at my heels. I began to produce those excellent grades that got me a scholarship 2 years ago. That caused teachers to like me, respect me, despite my stand-offish nature. I didn't like the attention, but I couldn't do anything about it. My cynical, sarcastic self was brought to life, but no one cared.

I was still elite.

And I didn't like it.

One day my anger got the best of me and I stormed out of the building. Went to the only place feel I belong. The only place I can bring out fire and not have anyone care.

Amongst the darkness of the alley.

And that's when I met Will.

I'm a 17 yr old teenager, and yeah I have to protect the universeWhere stories live. Discover now