Chapter 2 of Counting Raindrops

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Five months ago my boyfriend, Vance was shipped over to Iraq. He had signed up, but no one knew that he'd be taken away from us as soon as he was. He hasn't written any letters to us, letting us know how he's doing which didn't help with our rate of worrying about him . . . We haven't gotten a folded flag either, letting us know that he wasn't coming home. For a whole month I cried, I just wanted him to come home again, home to stay. No one knew when he'd be back, or if he'll ever come back. I still remembered his words to me before he left . . .

"Vance!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs, accidentally running into him in the process. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and hold me close. He was whispering quiet, sweet things in my ear; telling me that he'd be okay, and that he would be home soon.

"Kat, don't cry, baby girl. I'll be okay. hush, please don't cry." His arms tightened around me when my tears began soaking his shirt. I never wanted to let him go. What if something happened to him? What if this was the last time I saw him? The last time I saw his beautiful hazel eyes, his short black hair, the last time I get to hear his sweet voice.

"Vance . . . please don't go, I don't want you to go." He hushed me softly and nodded, stroking my back soothingly,

"I know you don't." He pulled back slightly to kiss my cheek, I stopped breathing when I saw the tear slip from his eye. "I know you don't." He breathed again. Brushing my hair behind my ear, his hand held my cheek as he kissed me before hugging me close once more. "I'll write to you every chance I get, okay?" I nodded.

"Vance . . . it's time to go," his dad walked over from the kitchen, holding his son's bag for him.

I shook my head violently on his shoulder, I don't want him to go. I don't want him to go.

Please, Vance . . . don't go . . .

"I love you, Kat. I always will." "Keep my twin in line okay?" He lightly smiled and wiped away my tears from my face before he wiped his own face clear of tears. I softly nodded and whispered,

"I will." He nodded and stepped away to follow his dad out the house,

"I'll see you soon, Kat. I promise." I nodded, struggling to smile.

Waving at the car descending down the driveway Kerra and I stood on the porch. Kerra's eyes were filled with tears. What if that was my last hug from him? My last kiss?

A pair of hands pulled me up from the sidewalk and turned me to face Jayce, his eyes studying mine with shock as he spoke, his voice was stern with fact, "Kat. Kat, you're not okay." I looked up at him dully, my heart pounding with hurt and pain.

I hate you, Jayce. I hate you so much.

I shoved him back. He stumbled back a little bit, I shoved him again, he was allowing this. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know that I'd make you c-" I stopped him before he could finish,

Counting RaindropsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang