Chapter 7 of Counting Raindrops

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The sweet smell of French vanilla filled my nostrils as I took in a large breath through my nose. An unconscious smile spread itself upon my lips as I wallowed in my plush comforter. My pillows and blanket felt like clouds; airy, and feathery while they were wrapped lightly around me. I pushed myself to the wall; tucking the pillow in the corner so I could bury my face in the crease like I always seemed to do.

I wasn't sure why, but I felt . . . Weightless to tell the truth, no stress or negative parts of life were sitting on my shoulders to keep me down. No thoughts of Jayce, Vance, or my Dad slipped through my mind as I lay comfortable in my bed, only good thoughts and memories were allowed to pass. I was filled with warmth and happiness and I never wanted it to leave so I didn't move.

My peaceful little world was disturbed like uneasy flowing water rushing down its stream and I knew from that moment that my warm happiness was gone. Gone by the gentle knocking on my bedroom door. I thought that maybe if I pretended to sleep that the annoying sound would leave, but it didn't so I had to get up.

I sighed and rubbed my face to rid of the sleepiness as I padded to my door. I took a few seconds to run my hand through my hair before opening my door to reveal a tall man with short blonde hair and a touch of stubble on his chin. His eyes were blue and he sported a black T-shirt with a pair of slightly torn jeans. He looks to be about 43, a year older than my mom. He offered a sweet smile and spoke in a whisper, "hey, Catnip."

My heart thrashed against my chest so hard that I knew it would break through my rib cage any second. My hands were shaking terribly as I held them by my side. My eyes . . . They were burning with tears as they threatened to come pouring down like a waterfall, I had to hold them back . . . A little while longer anyways. A smile tugged at my lips and it wasn't long before I had my arms wrapped around his neck, "daddy!" This all happened within mere seconds so I was sure he was shocked to say the least. "You're home! You're actually home!" I cried onto his shoulder, my tears soaking his shirt while my arms struggled to hold on as they trembled.

He stroked my back soothingly, hushing my sobs as they wracked my body, "I'm home, Catnip. I'm home." He hugged me tightly and I didn't hesitate to return it. I've missed my dad so much while he was gone, I can't believe he's home!

"I missed you so much dad! I can't even explain." My crying didn't lessen any and I secretly hated that because I wanted to be strong for dad. He hasn't seen me for four years so I wanted to be strong for him, it was so hard though, I felt as if I could collapse at any second.

He chuckled and nodded, "I know. I have to." I pulled back to see the tears in his eyes, that only made more tears stream down my face. "How has my Catnip been?" He asked with a small smile on his face that made his blue eyes shine even more with the tears in them.

I nodded with a wide smile, "great. I've been great." "How about you? I know it must've been stressful?"

He shrugged as if it were nothing, "piece of cake, I did have a rough time away from you and mom though."

I smiled and hugged him once more, I didn't want to let go of my dad, I didn't want him to leave again. "Have you seen mom yet?" I questioned softly. He just nodded and looked around my room, commenting as his fingers grazed along my dresser,

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