New Student - Balthazar

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You're sitting in class next to your best friend, "apparently there's a new kid today, everyone is saying that his really cocky and up himself and that he got kicked out of his last school for stealing the teachers stuff" She says, after a few seconds you hear the door open and close as the teacher walks, shortly followed by a kid you had never seen before "that must be him" you say nodding your head in his direction.

The teacher stands at the front of the room with the boy beside him, he clears good throat "Everyone we have a new student here" he turns to the kid pushing him forward a bit "go on, introduce yourself" Mr Mac finishes. The boy stands at the front of the room, looking over almost everyone "'Sup, I'm Balthazar. I'm 18, I hate school and can't wait to--" you look up as you hear him stutter, you realize his starting at you, his blue eyes starting into your brown ones. "I... Um, and I can't wait to leave" he finishes, looking away and sitting down in a spare seat.

"Wow (Y/N), looks like new boy has a thing for you already! And everyone now knows it" She laughs. "No, that's not right, he doesn't even know me, he probably just forgot what he was going to say and needed to stare at someone to remember" You say, in denial. "I wouldn't be so sure, I mean unless he needs to remember you" She laughs,  looking back down at her book. You look over to him only to find out that he's intensely staring at you.

Throughout the whole class he just keeps staring at you, making you glance over ever few minutes to check which causes him to smile... such a dreamy smile... *DIIINNNGGGG* The bell chimes to signal the end of the day, "Finally, home time" You say as you exhale, exhausted. Gathering your stuff, you shove it into your bag and walk out of the room - parting ways from your friend, you begin the long walk home.

Half way home, you hear a voice call out, "Hey!! Excuse me! Miss!" Taking out your headphones and turning around you see him, the new kid, he runs up to you, with an unsure look, you wait for him to catch his breath before asking "Can I help you?" in a rough voice, tired from the day. He clears his throat "You uh... You dropped these" He hands you a scrunched up pair of lacy panties, "they fell out of your bag as you jogged across the road back there, thought you might want them" you feel heat rise to your cheeks... and other spots as you realise they're actually yours from changing at the gym.

Quickly shoving them into your bag, "Th..Thanks" you stammer. "No need to be embarrassed. By the way, I'm Balthazar" he smiles making you even more weak than before"I'm (Y/N).. Sorry about that" you say avoiding eye contact "Don't worry, not the first time a gorgeous girl has left me her sexy underwear" he winks. "Hey! I did not intentionally drop them!!" You object before realising "Wait a minute... Did you just call me pretty?" asking shyly, "Gorgeous actually" he corrects you before smirking "Don't forget it's ditch day tomorrow love" he calls out just before turning around and walking away. Flustered from what just happened you stand there for a few minutes before continuing home.


*Beep Beep Beep Beep!!*

You sigh as you pull yourself out of bed, get ready and go downstairs "Morning" you say to your mother "Oh good morning dear, ready for school?" She smiles "Mom! it's ditch day, pleeeasse don't make me go, no one else will be there!" You beg, "(Y/N), I don't care, this family doesn't miss ANY day of school. If no one is there you can catch up on your homework, I know you're falling behind. Now go get ready, I'll take you myself" She demands. You sigh, annoyed, and go back up to your room and change into something more comfy than school clothes "Seeing as no one will be there, I will dress how I want" You mutter to yourself as you pull on a jumper and jeans, and just to feel naughty, a nice deep purple pair of lacy panties.

You pull up at the school, and get out of the car, sighing as your mum drives away. A harsh and cold wind blows as you try to find ANY unlocked classroom. After what feels like hours of searching, you finally find one "Yes!" you mutter as you rush into the room and shut the door behind you to protect you from the cold. Setting your books down, putting headphones in and taking a seat yourself, you begin doing homework.

Hours pass, you've had a few snacks from your bag, looking up at the clock hoping the day is almost over... "1:30pm" you sigh to yourself, returning to your homework as you turn the music in your headphones up higher. A couple moments later, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You scream as you jump from your seat, taking your headphones out "Please don't expel me, my mother made me come on ditch day!!" "(Y/N) relax! It's just me" You open your eyes to see Balthazar standing there, eyes wide. "You scared the hell out of me!! What are you doing here?!" You half yell as your heartbeat begins to slow down.

"I just had to find a quite place to do homework..." He says, sitting in the empty chair next to yours "But you hate school" you say, retaking your seat and closing your books, "Yeah, I do" he chuckles then silence falls as a look on his face suggests he's thinking "But I don't hate the company it brings.." he looks up at you, tension forms. "I.. don't hate it either" you reply softly. More silence forms as you both look at the homework that needs done. "You know, in any other school, I would probably have left by now" He says, looking up at you, "So.. why haven't you?" you ask, feeling tension once again form

Balthazar stands up and walks over to lean against the wall "Not sure, seems to be something... Holding me here" He smirks, flicking his head to the left, seeming to call you over. You resist "And what would that be" you ask, standing up, taking a few steps towards him, just out of arms reach. "Perhaps it was those... lacy... black... panties of yours" he says ever so seductively, making intense eye contact, drawing you in. He grabs your hand, slowly pulling you in, holding eye contact making it ever so intense.

Your bodies press together, lips inches from each others, he moves his hand from yours, slowly gliding it up your side, past your chest, up to your neck and into your hair, lacing it through his fingers, giving it a slight tug making a quiet moan fall from your lips. His eyes get more intense as he notices the sound, more intense, full of lust and longing. He pulls your head in, your lips connect for the most powerful, intense kiss you have ever had. Balthazar's hands fall down to your thighs, pulling on them, making you jump to wrap your legs around his waste, he turns around, pushing you up against the wall, lips and bodies still connected.

You both pull away to catch your breath "Fuck..." He pants, "There is no way I can keep resisting you" He kisses you again, you pull off his shirt, breaking from the kiss to look at his perfect body, in return he pulls up your shirt, unhooking your bra, his hands move up to your chest, massaging you, causing another moan to fall from your lips, he smiles, pushing up against you more and he begins to kiss your neck, you feel his hard on pushing against your thigh.

You jump off his hips, pushing him back, you lower down to be on your knees, unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them off, along with his boxers. Giving his shaft a small kiss, you earn a gasp from him, he thrusts his hips, begging for more, you stand up, a sly smirk on your face as you looking him in the eye. "My turn" He chuckles, going down onto his knees and unbuttoning your jeans in return and sliding them down, he looks up at you "Purple this time?" he asks with a smirk as he pulls them down, throwing them to the side along with the other pile of clothes.

He kisses your thighs teasing you, his hand slides up, lingering along your clit, he kisses right where his hand is, making you moan. "Fuck me already" you groan, "Exactly what I was waiting for" he says standing up, " I've been waiting so long to do this with you (Y/N)" he says in a soft voice "I want you to fuck me, hard" you say back to him, at that moment he thrusts into you "Fuck! Balthazar, that feels so good" you moan, he continuously thrusts into you getting harder and faster with each second "(Y/N) cum for me, I want to feel it" he whispers in your ear sending you over the edge, a few thrusts later Balthazar releases himself in you.

You both stand there panting for a while before getting dressed, you turn and look at the clock 3:59pm "Shit! I have to go, my mom will be here any minute, I'll see you tomorrow" you give him a kiss before rushing off to the gate just before your mum pulls up. "How was school hunny?" she asks as you climb inside the car, "It was... great" you smile, "Leaned a lot of interesting things from doing homework"

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't posted in ages been super busy but here's what I hope is a great one! Hope y'all enjoy it! Always keep fighting! Love y'all xxx ❤ ~ Kaz

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