Trick AND Treat ;) - Gabriel

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It's Halloween night and you're sitting alone in your room watching horror movies because you didn't feel like dressing up this year, that and you REALLY like scary movies. Half way through the movie you hear something downstairs, pausing the movie, you begin to sneak down. When you're almost at the bottom of the staircase, you see a person's standing in your loungeroom but all the lights are off so you don't know who it is.
"Hold it right there. If you move, I'm calling the cops!" You call out, suddenly the person disappears, you being to feel fear rise up in you.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and you wip around prepared to fight whoever it is "Hiya (Y/N)" you hear that all to familiar voice say and suddenly it hits you "GABRIEL!?" You scream "You basterd! Why would you scare me like that!" All you get is that beautiful chuckle and smile of his "Calm down (Y/N), C'mon, it's Halloween. You gotta let me have my fun" You could never quite resist that smile of his, you sigh, giving into his prankster ways "Do you want to come watch movies then?" You hear him laugh at what you said "I have a better idea, come with me" and before you could protest, you're flashed out of your home and taken to what is suppose to be the best haunted house in the state, you never dared to go inside though.

"C'mon" you hear Gabriel call as he stands about a meter in front of you. "No, Gabe I can't. You know I hate haunted houses" You feel yourself slowly back away from the house but suddenly there's someone behind you, it's Gabriel again, you feel his arm wrap around your waist "Hells yeah you can do this (Y/N). I'll be right with you all the way" You begin to feel safe. You have always had a thing for Gabriel, so you decided to do it. "Let's do this" you feel a rush of excitement as you begin to walk into the house.

You take your picture with a scary man in a mask before you go in, adrenaline pumping through your veins, you enter the first part of the house, Gabriel by your side.
It's mostly dark but there's enough light for you to see the floor. Things jump out at you, at one point a man jumps in front of you from a table holding a fake knife, you scream a little and hear Gabe chuckle, but you move on. You hear other people scream as things jump out at them and plastic body parts are around them, people coming up off tables and reaching out to you from places.

After what feels like forever, you exit the haunted house. Feeling slightly less scared you turn to Gabriel "can we please go back to my house and continue my movies please?" And without another word you found yourself back in your room but sadly Gabriel was nowhere in sight, you feel slightly empty at the lack of his presence but you lay yourself back in bed and continue your Nightmare On Elm Street marathon.

"You scared?" You jump at the sudden voice and feel of Gabriel once again beside you "ha, never fails" he chuckles, you push him slightly making him fall off the bed and you break out laughing "oh that's funny is it?" He asks, climbing on the bed as he begins to trickle you, you squirm and wiggle trying to get away "Ah, no Gabe s-stop it" you squeal but soon enough his on top of you, pining you down so you can't move. As you both realize what's happening the room falls silent and all that's left is the sound of you both trying to catch your breath, staring into each others eyes you realize that the one you have been waiting for has been right beside you the whole time.

Gabriel slowly leans in, stopping just before your lips touch "(Y/N)..." he whispers "Yes Gabriel?" You ask, trying to be patient, "You're so beautiful..." he says before crashing his lips into yours, immediately sparks fly and you feel butterflies in your stomach, you have been wanting this for so long but you never imagined it like this. This.... this was perfect.
You both begin to take clothing off.
You pull off his shirt, breaking away from the kiss to pull out over his head and him talking off yours but your lips are soon connected again, you feel his smooth hands unhook your bra and gently pull it off.

He begins to fondle your left breast while his lips and tongue connect with the right one, and then swapping, playing with the right one while he sticks and nibbles on the left. He soon pulls away and begins kissing down your stomach line to the hem of your jeans, he looks up at you as if top ask permission, you nod your head and he begins to unbutton your jeans and slowly sliding them down, keeping eye contact he pulls them off and starts kissing up your legs, stopping at your core, noticing how wet you are through your black lace panties beings a smirk to his face. He places a small, gentle kiss right on your clit, sending shivers down your spine.

Gabriel smirks at your shiver, and slowly begins to rub ever so lightly along your sex, making you moan softly but enough for him to hear.
He pulls on the hem of your panties with him teeth, pulling them down and throwing them aside, he returns up to your lips, hovering over then for a second before kissing you passionately. Pulling away but staying to hover above your face be slowly slides hours middle finger into you, making your eyes close and your hips thrust up and a small moan escape from your lips, this makes him smirk "So beautiful...." he whispers and slides in another finger and begins to speed up making you moan a little louder.

He begins to once again kiss a trail down your stomach to your core and licking along it while he thrusts his fingers in and out, slowly picking up speed. He begins licking and sucking on your clit, as he speeds up enough to make your body jump as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you, by now your moaning loud "do you like that?" He says, his hot breath hitting your throbing sex "Or would you like something more?" He winks and he slows his fingers to a stop and pulls them out "More.." you groan "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that" he says, smirking, "More!" You say loud enough for the neighbors to hear and with that he pulls off his pants and boxers and slams into you, making you scream "Fuck!"

Gabriel begins to pick up pace, sweat beading on his forehead and grunts, moans and curses coming from his mouth. You feel an all to familiar knot in your stomach "I'm gonna cum..." you warn "I'm right behind you" He says, speeding up, making a loud moan that pushes you over the edge, shortly followed by Gabriel, you feel his warm juices fill you and you can't help but feel complete. He collapses beside you and once again the room is filled with nothing but the sound of heavy breathing.

Gabriel puts his clothes back on and so do you "Crap. (Y/N) I'll be right back. Heaven calls. I'll be back soon. I promise" and before you could respond his gone. You finish getting dressed, sigh and collapse on the bed. Hours pass and you soon fall asleep but are soon woken by the sound of wings, you sit up knowing who it is "I'm so sorry that took so long (Y/N) but I have to tell you something."
By now your sitting in the side of the bed, looking at him. "Okay.." you say, scared of what's coming next.

"(Y/N)... I have known you for years now and for so long I have held back what I have felt because it was forbidden to feel that way about a human but I don't care anymore... I love you... and I know you love me too. You have for a while. I hear your thoughts, your prayers, everything even though you forget or think I don't. I do. And I don't care what the other angels think.... What heaven thinks... I love you and if that's wrong then I don't want to be right. I want to be with you. Forever. And if that means becoming a fallen angel then so be it. I'm all in if you're all in... so I guess what I'm trying to say is...."

Gabriel gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box "(Y/N).... Will you marry me?" You feel like the happiest person alive, you already knew your answer before he asked "I will!" You say, smiling. He puts the ring on your finger and hugs you "I love you" he says "and that was the best sex I have ever had" he smirks, making you laugh "I love you too Gabriel"

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been super busy with my studies! Anyway, I hope you liked this, I thought I would make it a bit of a special one. Don't forget to vote/comment! Stay awesome guys and happy hunting ❤

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