short girl problems: part 1

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justin pov ✊
Me & y/n were spending the day together & she wanted to go to the mall. "Ohh babe what about this?" She asked holding up a dress "its cute " i smirked . "Its cute " she mocked . The funny thing is shes so little , yet she talk so much shit. I laughed at the thought . "whats so funny?" she asked "your face " i said pushing her forehead . She gave the really nigga? look i laughed again. We walked out of the store we were currently in & i seen a really pretty girl staring at me, she waved & i gave her a smile. Y/n must have noticed because she brushed passed me speed walking out of the mall. Its so cute yet very dangerous when she gets jealous. I caught up to her in the parking lot & grabbed her arm turning her around "whats wrong? " i asked she squinted her greenish brown eyes at me "really nigga? you & that girl was in there eye fuckin, ya i noticed " she said nodding her head "bae it was innocent chill " i said , she scrunched up her face & swung her head down still looking up at me with her hands on her knees . I jerked my head back slightly & chuckled. "Innocent?" she asked still in the same position , she stood up "bitch the door " she said pointing to no where & turning to walk away. I grabbed her arm & turned her around she was obviously mad she tried to get out of my grip & failed but continuously tried so i just picked her lil ass up . She groaned "really justin? you always use my size as an advantage to do whatever you please!" she stated i laughed & continued back into the mall . I put her down & grabbed both of her arms , pulled her in bent down & kissed her nose she lightly smiled i smiled back. "Im sorry ok ? i love you midget " she laughed "i love you too, bitch " she muttered the last part but i still heard her. She looked at me "i heard that " i said & smirked "oh " was all she said & smiled . I smacked her butt & she punched me in my arm , this usually leads to playfights but we're in the mall & she may be small but her lil hits hurt. We continued walking & shopping. Playful taps here & there "i love you baby girl " i whispered in her ear & kissed her cheek "i love you too " she replied & squeezed my hand lightly.

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