Part 3// High

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Bandit's POV

"Hahaha, stop, there are rainbows on the roof." I sludder to John. His eyes are crossed and red. Mine is too I guess. I see colours and patterns all over the place. Hella drugs. I begin to see black dots. Fuck! It's already over. I pass out and everything goes black.

"Hey, Bree! Bree! BANDIT!!" Kate yells.

"Uhh..." I feel like a living hell. "What?"

"We need to go out, you know, get some money." she sounds nervous.

"I can't ----" I lean over and puke. She looks away.

"Look, we have to. Shane, he's got a really bad pain in his stomach, we need to get him a fake passport." She beggs.

"I can't!" I scream. "My stomach is upside down."

"Well have to go alone then. Be carefull, we'll be back soon." Kate pets me on my forehead. 

I fall asleep soon to the sound of the rain.

It's been two hours. I begin to get worried. My stomache is upset. It usualy becomes when somethings are wrong. I stand up and fumbles after my phone. My pocket is small and I find it quickly. I search for his number.

John's POV

The hospital bed is pretty comfy. My phone calls. It's Bandit, shit! 

"John." I answer.

"Are you okay!?" A worried Bandit asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm at the hospital. I wish I could say so about the others..." I say. I have to tell her!

"Where's Kate and Shane?" She breathes. 

"Shane's bad stomach... It's cancer. We have no money, Bandit. It's bad." I explain. She begins to sob.

"What about Kate? Is she okay!?" Bandit sobs.

"Police shot her. In the chest. We tried to escape. You know how stubborn she is. The officer shot her, she didn't want to calm down and surrender." A single tear fell from my face. I breathe in slowly. Bandit cries in the phone. It's the first time I've heard her cry.

"I'm homeless. What am I gonna do!??" She cries heavily.

"Bree-Bree, don't cry. I've already called a officer. They're gonna get you to a orphange." I explain.

"No!!! How could you!? You where like a father to me!" She screams.

"Bandit--!!" She ends the call. 

Bandit's POV

I feel betrayed. I walk out in the rain. And just stands there. The rain rushed down on my body.

Sing it for the deaf

Sing about everyone you left behind

Sing it for the world, 

Sing it for the world

Every time that you loose it sing it for the world

Sing it from the heart 

See what tomorrow brings...

The words sipper out of my mouth. I'm singing. Expressing my feeling throug melodies and words. A gift, Kate always said. 

The police arrives soon. A woman walks out.

"I'm Agustine. Bandit right?" she asks. I just stand on my knees. The tears are lost in the rain. "I know you've had a really rough day, Bandit. Please follow us to shelter."

I just stand up and follows her. My feelings are washed away by the rain.

"A-a-are we going to an orphange?" I ask.

"No, little Bandit. We're taking you to John." She answers.

I shine up a little. The whole Kate thing seems so far away. I jump out of the car and rush inside. Agustine shows me the door. I walk in.

"Bandit!"I hear the warmth of John's weak voice. He is strangley attached to tubes and all wierd stuff. 

"John..." My tears begin to fall again. 

"I have something important to say. I didn't find you on the streets. I stole you. From your dad. You two where out playing in the park. I hit him in the head with a bigger rock."

I stop breathing. I didn't even notice that Agustine was in the room. 

"I hope you die in hell." I whisper. My real mom and dad are out there, looking for me. John then drags of his sheets. A big bloody scar is on his stomach. 

"I am dying, Bandit. They shot me too." He cries. "I just wanted to tell you the truth." 

He's dying right now. Finally I get it. Agustine has left the room. 

"Please sing something, Bandit."

I start to sing the song from the rain. I'm holding his hand and singing with all my sorrow. His hand goes numb. He's gone. I look up on his face and see a half smile. He looks peacefull now. I smile back. I got to be the one to be with him in his last breath.

The police station is cold. I've been here for about two hours, answering questions about the gang. Then Agustine drove me to an place. There where teenagers everywhere. A teen shelter. 

*time skip, about three weeks* 

I've made friends with a band called Furious Sacrifices. And the one that plays the guitar, Jake. His name makes my heart melt. They have no singer, thats when I come in.  I'm in the band. We've done three hits so far. 1. Drowning Here 2. Sweetest of Drugs and finally 3. Hell's Gates 

I'm going to the doctor this tuesday to take some blood tests. They are searching for my parents.

Jake showed me this amazing band called My Chemical Romance. They are my biggest idols ever! The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary! Yes, my favorite song! I have MCR posters all over my room. 

One day I was googled MCR and it showed me that Gerard and his wife Lindsey had lost their daugher. An interwiew of Gerard on YouTube said everything.

Interwiew Guy: What happened exactly?

Gerard: I was in the park with my daughter Bandit and then someone hit me in the head with something really hard and I blacked out. I woke up at the hospital and Lindsey told me the horrible news.

Interwiew Guy: What a nightmare! If you can find someone likley to be Bandit Lee Way, call this number ----" 

I shut down the laptop and yelled for Martina, the nurse. She immidiantley called the cops. She told them everything I've told her. 

"Tomorrow they will have the number to your dad, Gerard." She said. "Get some sleep now, Bandit."

I havn't melted that my dad is Gerard Way. Twelve at nigh I sneaked into Jake's room. I told him everything. He listened with big eyes. And when I was done, the most of magical things happened. 

"So you're moving?" He asked but before I could answer he said something magical. "Then I have to tell you!" 

He leant in and grabbed me. Then he kissed me. His angelic lips on mine. I slept on pink clouds that night. 

Where is Bandit?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora