Part 1// Going to the park

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Gerard's POV

Yesterday it was my little sunshines birthday. She's growing up so fast! Lindsey and Bandit are already up making breakfast. I walk up and get myself a cup of coffee. Bandit drags my pants from down below. I lift her up.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask.

"Can we go to the park?" Bandit asks with brown puppy eyes.

"But Frank's about to come over."

"Frankie!!" She smiles.

"But we can do it after Frank has gone home."


After about two hours of getting on Bandits clothes. Today was a non-clothing day for Bandit.

Frank came over and we chatted and he gave Bandit an present. She opened it with a big smile. It was a pink teddybear. She ran and hugged Frank.

"Thanks Frankie!" She hugged the teddy. 

Frank gone home and Bandit and I left to the park. She rushed towards the swings and I pushed her. 

She flew back and forward on the swing and shouted of joy. When we where about go home someone hit me with something really hard and I blacked out. 

Bandit! Bandit!!

I woke up at a hospital. Lindsey was next to me, crying. 

"Lindsey..." I breathe.

"It's Bandit, Gerard! She's gone!"

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