{XIX.} Bravery.

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James sighed heavily as he took breaths, "I didn't even see them coming." he said tiredly as Raphael took the chain in his head and used some pliers cutters to cut them up. It wasn't that hard since the chains were old and slightly rusted. James brought his free hand up, cutting the red flesh. He was leaning against the door of Raphael shed exhausted, "I was just walking out of the bathroom when four of them came up behind me and grabbed me. They pulled me away from the festival and we went passed Queen Severina who started to do things. They dragged me all the way to the beach and into the water. They took me far where you found me and just put theses on me. It was all very confusing."

Raphael grabbed James left arm roughly and started cutting up the chains, "They used you as bait to get Vanessa." he said, snorting. James gave Raphael a cold look as he rubbed his other wrist, "You shouldn't have gone to the bathroom alone knowing—"

"I don't need a partner to go to the bathroom." James coldly said. "Even apparently it took you guys a moment to realize I was missing."

Vanessa frowned and lowered her head, feeling bad because maybe if they would have noticed sooner he might not have fainted in the water. "Sorry." she said, lifting her head to look at him. "You're right, I should have noticed sooner. I'm supposed to be leading this coven but I'm doing a pretty crappy job."

James cold look vanished from his face to a sincere look, "I don't blame you, Vanessa. It's been a hassle for you lately and you were only trying to enjoy your night."

Vanessa shook her head, "I shouldn't have done allot of things. They have Adalyn also. If I hadn't yelled at her this morning, she wouldn't have left and they wouldn't have taken her. They could have left her there but they took her with them."

Ninda put her hand on Vanessa shoulder, "Hey, stop that. None of this is your fault. We're gonna get her back." she said. "You showed Queen Severina you would do anything to protect your coven and bravery for going out there. You faced her weapon."

Vanessa scoffed, "Faced? I almost got swallowed by that things. I think it only vanished because Adalyn must have done something to Queen Severina. She was hell of pissed at Adalyn before they left."

"You still fought against it. You didn't run away, you challenged it as hard as you could and Queen Severina saw it." she said. "I suggest we leave tomorrow. Queen Severina is taking this more serious now and she's only gonna try to harm us more now. She'll do anything to kill us so we got to go get the Elixir tomorrow. We'll go get it, fight against Queen Severina to show our strength. It's the only way we can share the ocean. Fighting is the only way."

"Fighting has never solved anything in history." Raphael said. He breathed out heavily, "Look. . .James I'm sorry but should we all risk our lives for you?"

"Raphael?" Vanessa hissed at him. "He gonna die if we don't."

"He should go get it then." he said. He sighed as he put his hands on her shoulders and gave her a deep look, "Nessie. . .I don't want you to risk your life. I don't wanna see you get hurt or worse."

She shrugged his hands off, "He's apart of this coven, we all protect each other. How about if one of us suggest not trying to get what's gonna save you?" she asked and he lowered his head. "Exactly. I'm will aware of the risks being taken but I can't just avoid them." She stepped back to look at all of them, "Tomorrow we'll leave."


Before they could step into the house, Raphael grabbed James and pushed him against the wall of the house, "You have feelings for her don't you?" he asked.

James gave him a cold look as he raised his chin, "So what?"

Raphael hands balled up into a tight fist with anger and he breathed heavily, "You know if I had my way, we wouldn't be leaving tomorrow."

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