“I hope you know that I wouldn’t cheat on you,” She spoke softly with the same scowl on her face. I blushed a little and nodded. Its not that I think she’ll cheat or anything I just think that sometimes she’s a little too friendly with Hayley.

“I know,” I said quickly she nodded and planted a kiss on my cheek before getting back to whatever she was doing.

“Do you want anything specific to eat,” She asked glancing at me I shook my had I wasn’t going to make her cook two different meals that would be too much.

“Slim, its only a hundred,” Hayley interrupted popping her head in the kitchen. Jesse grumbled under her breath and snatched the thermometer out her mouth.

“It’s a hundred and three, go lay down, take these,” she tossed her a bottle of pills that Hayley scrunched her face up at. I watched them argue for a bit over the medicine and laying on the couch before Jesse came back over with a sigh. She hugged me around my waist and groaned into my shoulder.
“Remind me to never have kids again,” I laughed and pushed her back some.
“You don’t have kids,” I pointed out she gave a “really” expression making me laugh again.
“Lets see, the gang, Mike is a big ass kid, not to mention keeping Sherry and Amy in check, the twins, and please don’t get me started on Hayley, she’s like three kids in one,” She complained with a small scowl. I slid my arms around her neck, letting her hold my waist.
“But you love them all don’t you,” I said she rolled her eyes and kissed me gently.
“Don’t remind me,” She grumbled as if she really had a problem with it, I smiled and shook my head. She really didn’t need to have kids, I could already see the rejected looks on their faces, but then again she was good with the twins and with the orphan kids.

“You really are an asshole,” she chuckled and shrugged while moving back to the stove.
“Yup, I’m your perfect asshole,” I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter.
“Have you talked to her,’ I asked softly watching her jaw twitch just like last time.

“Her mom said she was doing fine I guess, so did you take my advice,” she asked with a frown. I groaned and we were back on this stupid argument.
“No I didn’t in fact we will be meeting up with her and my friends tomorrow afternoon to show her around,” I said in matter of fact tone, her face dropped a little.
“You never listen to me,” she said I stared at her a little surprised that she wasn't arguing with me.

“Nope, I’m not submissive, besides, I didn’t have to invite you or tell you about it, I could have gone with just my friends,” I pointed out only to yelp as she spun me around and push against the counter with that dark look on her face, She brushed her hand gently across my cheek. She chuckled a little with a smirk. I swallowed not liking the look in her eyes, it was the same one she got when she killed Chris.

“Brooklyn, you have no idea how much I know and what I will do to get what I want, if I really wanted to stop you I would, if I really wanted to get rid of that Sam character that you feel so infatuated with, I would have had her killed already, but since I’m being a nice person,” she paused with a distant smile that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as she leaned closer with her nose almost touching mine, my heart sped up I couldn’t tell if it was from fear or shock. “I’ll let it go for now, but next time I might not be this nice, next time I might just go with my instincts,” she whispered moving to my ear while tugging gently on a strand of my hair. I didn’t know what to say to her at this point. She smirked as if she knew she got her point across before she moved back. I opened my mouth but no words came out, I froze this time I think it was in fear just from the sheer look of pleasure she seemed to have from saying those things too me. I don’t know what kind of relationship I’ve gotten into nor do I think I know the person anymore.

(Jesse POV)

“I don’t think that was very nice,” Hayley mumbled next to me, I frowned and glanced down at her while pointing to the other side of me.
“I don’t care what you think, now get back over there,” I instructed she sighed and went back over.
“You didn’t have to threaten her,” she said I gestured her forward.

“I didn’t threaten her I just told her some stuff, you know what was on my mind, she can interpret it however she wants too,” I stepped to the side shaking my head as she threw her body towards me. I dodged again but this time, I swept my foot under her sending her back. She squeaked as she fell backwards I sighed and caught her before she could hit the floor.

“Open your eyes idiot,” I said rolling mine in the process, she opened her eyes slowly, before smiling, I sighed and pulled her up.
“Go again, pay attention this time,” she nodded and went back to her position.

“But Slim, you shouldn’t have done that, you,” She paused as she ran towards me, I watched her body move into the right position she swung her fist, I caught it quickly before catching her foot, I pushed her back some watching as she quickly caught her balance.
“I did it,” She exclaimed I rolled my eyes and tossed a towel to her.
“Yeah took you two hours for that one move and you still didn’t hit me,” I pointed out, but she was too busy doing a happy dance. I leaned against the wall grabbing my Gatorade letting her do whatever the hell she was doing. So earlier I probably shouldn’t have said anything to Brook in the kitchen but I was just trying to get my point across I didn’t like Sam, but yet she insisted on hanging with her, I don’t get it, its like she trying to provoke me.

“Red, get your ass over here and stop,” I grumbled staring at her as she stopped spinning around, she grinned and skipped over to me. I handed her a Gatorade.

“Drink up, afterwards take a shower then you go to bed,” I said only to have her pout at the nothing in particular.

“But I want to watch Aladdin II I just got it the other day,” she said looking up at me, I groaned I swear she was like another kid for me, I mean at first she was a kid that I had sex with, okay that sounded wrong, but you get what I mean, now she’s just a kid.

“Watch it tomorrow, you also have a dentist appointment in a few days, one of the maid called earlier your parent’s will also be in town in three weeks or so,” I watched her face fall at the mention of her parents making me sigh again, I pulled her to me.

“I won’t be able to stay here then, what if…” She trailed off looking away with that blank expression on her face but her eyes were distant with fear.
“Stop it Hayley, I’ll come with you, tell your parents that a couple of friends are coming over, we’ll all go over like last time,” I said softly with a semi frown, I turned her head towards me.
“Okay, I’m going to take a shower now,” she muttered I nodded and kissed her forehead.

“Remember I’m always here,” she nodded and left out with the same expression which only meant she would be crying tonight or locking herself in a room until tomorrow. Great now have one pissed off and the other crying. I shook my head and headed upstairs myself, I could already hear the water running from Hayley’s room. I went next door which was where Brook and I were sleeping.

“Brook,” I said walking in she was curled up under the sheets. I took off my clothes and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Look earlier I got out of control, I may have gone a little too far, I’ll go with you tomorrow and,” I paused for a second and looked at the lump, I lifted the sheets and frowned.

“I guess I’m sorry, but since you’re asleep there’s no point in telling you this,” I mumbled before getting up and going into my bathroom to take a shower. This still didn’t mean that I liked this Sam person. I stepped into the shower and let the water run over me. I don’t know why I’m even taking a bath, I have to leave in a few minutes to handle some unfinished business.


I know its short..... will update soon I'm actually about to start summer classes soon.

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