Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, I am NOT deleting this story. Sorry to make anyone worry, that was not my intention. I'm fine, everything is okay, that's for being great fans. :D

Here's the daily update..enjoy!!!


Liam sat in the bath tub, head lulled back against it, his eyes were closed and he was humming out Halsey's song Control. He was running his hands up and down his swollen baby bump, giggling as it kicked against his hands. It had been a week since he left Zayn, and he was taking it hard. Although Zayn treated him badly he missed him so much, he missed the moments when Zayn was sweet to him.

The man jumped when Niall opened the door, peering in to make sure he hadn't drowned. Niall laughed, walking over to where his friend sat in the tub, kneeling down beside him, "Why're you so jumpy Li?" He asked, squirting shampoo in his hand, rubbing it into Liam's scalp.

Liam closed his eyes, sighing in content as Niall's fingers worked at his scalp, "Ju-Just thinking a-about some if I should..take Zayn to court.." He had started stuttering worse since he left Zayn. Becoming more insecure, since his marriage practically crumbled in his hands.

Niall grabbed a cup from the side of the tub and placed his hand on the small of Liam's back. He had the pregnant man tilt his head back as he rinsed the suds out of his hair, "You should probably request for supervised weekly visits for Zayn, or none at all. I couldn't blame you if you did that," said Niall running his fingers across Liam's stomach.

A sigh fell from Liam's lips, he was so tired. Tired of the drama, tired of not being good enough, tired of feeling dead on the inside, but most importantly, tired of loving someone that doesn't love him back. Liam sunk back down in the tub, spreading his legs apart to relieve pressure on his bladder. He took what Niall said into consideration, but didn't make a comment on it, not really knowing what to say.

Liam reached for the wash rag and bar of soap, lathering it up, handing it to Niall, "I -I hate to ask th-this but, could you wash I between my legs? J-Just my inner thighs..?"

Niall smiled and nodded his head, taking the rag from Liam's hands. He reached under Liam's stomach and softly rubbed the rag in circular motions in between his thighs. Niall stopped when he heard a soft moan escape Liam's lips, making him look up at the man.

Liam blushed a deep red, he looked away from Niall bashfully, "S-Sorry, it just felt so nice...a-and no ones touched m-me down there so c-close to my intimate s-spot in forever ..and my h-hormon-"

"You don't have to give me an explanation Li," he spoke softly, cutting Liam off. Niall gulped when he saw that Liam was hard and slowly moved his hand up and down his legs, "I can help you if you want? I know that must be painful, and hard to reach because..y'know." He said gesturing towards Liam's stomach.

Liam closed his eyes, the feeling of Niall's hands rubbing his legs , felt so nice. He could only imagine what his fingers would feel like inside of him, or better yet his d*ck. Whimpering as Niall's hands slid closer to his entrance he nodded, "Please..j-just take me to a b-bed first."

Niall helped Liam out of the tub, carrying him bridal style to his bed. He lay Liam down gently on the plush duvet, and crawled in between his legs, "Are you sure you want this Li? If we do this, then I want to let you know I'm not taking advantage of you, I would never do that..I love you."

Liam's heart was hammering in his chest. It was like it was his first time. He'd only ever been intimate with Zayn, and that was rare. Maybe Liam did have slight feelings for Niall , he always thought he was cute, and sweet. Liam knows he might be rushing into things, and he was never one to take risks, but this just felt right, "I want this Niall, I..I n-need this.."

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